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Kimi Raikkonen / Sebastian Vettel.

This was it.

The last race had been raced.

A new era would begin next season.


But Seb isn't ready for that era to come.


Because that would mean that Kimi wouldn't be around anymore. It would mean that he would never get to race against his best friend anymore. That he will never seen his best friend anymore after this. What would he do without Kimi on the track and keep him sane from all the problems the kids would get themselves in.

This was the last race that he would get to race against his best friend. The man would go on with his life and do other things. Seb knows how all his other friendships with drivers had ended. They would always stay in contact for about two to four months before they would move on with their lives and tell Seb that he had to do the same.

It hurt him when his friends had left him. He could cope with losing some of his friends. But not with Kimi. What would he do when Kimi is no longer in need to stay in contact with Seb. His life would crumble underneath him. He would lose the last bit of sanity he had left. He would lose...

The love of his life!

Seb had been in love with Kimi from the moment he had laid his eyes on him. He would blush when he saw him in the paddock or was near him. Most of his team mates and friends would tease the german to such an extent that he would get angry and say that he gets it.

He gets it that they teased but it made him so scared that Kimi would find out.

He had countless of times he had wished he had the balls like Lewis had when it came to asking their crush out on a date. Lewis had asked Rosberg out. It unfortunately didn't work out between them mostly because of 2016. Their fighting on and off track.

But this isn't about them, it's about Seb and Kimi.

Seb had been showered and dressed in normal and comfortable clothes. He was ready to go home and wallow in self pity over the fact that he will lose Kimi because of this. He shakes his head and sighs, he had fun with Kimi all those years. But sadly it has come to an end now.

An end that Seb had feared would come soon. He has feared about the fact that Kimi wouldn't be racing for much longer.

It was something that would hurt Seb's heart when he thinks of it. Something that would make him lay awake at night and cry about because what would he do when that day would come?

Well it has come and it makes Seb feel so scared that he will lose his best friend like this. The last person he would ever want to lose is Kimi. What would he do without him? He can't think of something. It makes him feel like his world is falling apart. He always knew that the worst day in his life would be when Kimi would stop racing.

He shakes his head and bumps into someone. Carlos. He smiles at the spaniard who is holding a third place trophy in his hand and pats him on his back. Before his smiles falters and he looks down at the floor. He needs to get to his hotel room soon. He wants to lay on his pillow and cry his heart out.

"You okay, amigo?" Carlos asks.

"Yeah definitely! Don't worry!" Seb tells him.

Carlos shakes his head and grabs the German's arm. Looking at him with a suspicious look, giving him an look that he usually uses on the kids. But right now it's used on him and boy he never knew how much power that look had when you are on the receiving end.

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