𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖔𝖘/𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔. 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔.

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Alpha/beta/omega dynamics.

Sobs echo through the hall, bouncing of the walls. The bustling sounds of the mechanic working, people chatting with each other. Discussing strategies, when to take a pitstops. All for the race of tomorrow. In the corner of the room was a young boy sobbing, looking at a picture of him and his best friend, who had signed for another team last season. It had come to a shock to the young boy, he had taken the news very badly and had promised himself to keep his distance from his friend from then on.

The picture contained the two of them, smiling brightly, even though the young boy had lost the game of golf against his older friend. Wiping away the tears rolling down his eyes, his heart broke when he had read the announcement on the internet. His friend had forgotten to tell him the news, the young boy had stayed away from the older alpha as though he had been hurt.

Wiping his eyes, he let a sob leave his lips. The older one had been confused about the young boy being so distant from him. the younger one had never refused a game of golf, but ever since the boy found out that his friend was no longer his teammate. He had refused every kind of activity with the older one. Not wanting to make anymore memories while his friend was leaving him.

The boy looks down at the photo that was set as his wallpaper again. now regretting not taking his friend up on the games of golf or the times he could have spent with him. and every time he looks at his friend now. He feels his heart break, looking at how his old friend laughs and smiles with his new teammate like they used to do.

A part of barely having contact with his friend had been the young boy's fault. Regretting pushing his friend away, regretting never telling the Spaniard about his feelings. He regrets everything he didn't do. Pulling his phone to his chest, smiling bitterly. Fuck! What was he stupid sometimes. Shaking his head, he lets a bitter laugh leave his lips.

The young boy decides to get up and make himself a nest, something he has done a little too much the last few months. Locking himself in his room for hours on end, refusing to eat anything his trainer Jon gives him. everyone had noticed how quickly the boys health had declined, bags under his eyes, naps anywhere, skipping almost any meal of the day, just wallowing in his own sorrow.

Someone knocks on the boys door, groaning he buries himself deeper in the nest he had built. Not wanting to deal with whoever is at his door. He hears the door squeak open, hiding his face in the blankets on the small sofa.

"Lando?" the voice of his trainer Jon, speaks in concern. The boy had a bad qualifying and was right now beating himself up for it too.

"what?" Lando croaks out. Looking at his trainer.

"come on, time to go to the hotel." His trainer says.

"okay." He mumbles and gets from under his nest.

Lando grabs his stuff and pull the hood of his sweater over his head. Trying to hide his tear stained face from the camera's and press. His trainer takes his backpack and wraps an arm around the shoulder of Lando. Pressing him in his side, smiling.

"don't beat yourself up for it." Jon tells him.

The two walk down the hallway towards the car. Lando keeps his head down and let Jon guide him to the car. A tear rolls down his cheek as he thinks back at the mistake he made, it must have been his worst qualifying since his f1 debut. Starting on place 18 was not something you should be happy about.

After an ten minute silent drive to the hotel, Lando tells his trainer that he isn't hungry and just wants to nest and sleep for the remaining time of the night. Not wanting to see or talk to anyone for today anymore.

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