𝕸𝖆𝖝/𝕯𝖆𝖓: 𝕿𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗.

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It had happened so quick, one moment he was watching his boyfriend racing in the car, doing a monster lap out on the track. Getting all purple sectors, looking so untouchable in that moment. With wide eyes, was he watching his boyfriend race. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, the interviewer had stopped to look on the big screen. It was like the car and his boyfriend had become one in that moment.

With a pounding heart was he staring at the big screen, fingers crossed that he would make it to the finish line. He didn't really care about the pole position as long as his boyfriend was getting in one piece over the finish line. His boyfriend was the last to be on the track, he looked so untouchable like a god.

It was as if a god had stepped into the car ad was driving it for his boyfriend, not a single mistake had happened in the first two sectors. He just had to nail the last one, just the last couple of corners and he would be on pole. His boyfriend was obviously using every bit of the track to a maximum, using every bit of the car and pushing it almost over the edge.

It was like the perfect balance, like it was some kind of dance that was happening inside that car. By now no one was doing what they had been doing, they were all watching this car drive over the track like it was on rails. A train marching his way through the track. His hands were shaking by now, he was so scared something was going to happen.

He had always been so scared of what was going to happen, there hadn't been a day since they had become team mates back in 2016 that he had worried about the other. Always making sure the other was okay as the other had a reputation of having no self-care as long as he did everything in his power to be the best. Even if it would put him in danger.

He was still watching his boyfriend drive like the monster on track he usually was, it was his year this year. He was sure as hell going to win the championship, well his boyfriend had already won it because of Lewis having crashed out on the last three races, either small mistakes or he had been in first lap incidents. His boyfriend was in that aspect super lucky for once.

Lewis hadn't been mad at all about his boyfriend winning the championship. He was happy for the man, he respected it and told him they would do it the next season again. The man had nodded and agreed to that, making it even more spectacular for the viewers. But for now Lewis would do with the other man winning, they would fight again next season.

He had looked away just for a second, just one second was all it had taken. That single second he didn't look, he had looked for a second at his hands. That was all it took for him to hear gasps and panicking. He for sure was gonna beat himself over the fact that he took his eyes of the screen. He had just looked at his shaking hands for a moment and that's when it happened.

Tears spring in his eyes, his hands over his mouth as he sees the fireball that is his boyfriend's racing car. Shaking his head, his heart had stopped, plunging itself to the pit of his stomach. This couldn't be true! This wasn't real! He thinks. The terror was settling in and he starts to get really sick as he sees the crash on replay.

The way his boyfriend drove was phenomenal. It was like human and machine were one. But that little bit of oversteer was all it took, the sliding of the car. Daniel could see that the car was slowing down, as if something broke. He watched how the car sped off straight on into the barrier, going up in flames.

This was it. He thought. This would be the end of his boyfriend. He wins the world championship two weeks prior and now he is crashed by the looks of it. Presumably dead too. This couldn't happen to him! Nor his boyfriend. They were playing on taking their adopted baby home in three weeks.

He feels a hand on his shoulder, but all he can do is stare at the screen. His entire world is in that flaming ball. The love of his life is in that burning car. Tears stream down his cheeks, gathering on his chin before it falls to the ground. Staining the hot concrete underneath him.

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