Entry 30

8 3 10

So we had a assignment where we had to run around and find shapes in the school.  My friend group has 4 people, we had to be in groups of 2, so we split in half.

Me and K were a group. We kept struggling to find certain shapes. So we'd find one we thought was close enough, and say good enough.

I found it funny because we kept saying it was fine so long as we pass our classes.

We kept saying our grade was going to be 2 point You're Passing.

2 is like barely passing, but we both said it would be good enough so long as we don't have to repeat a grade.

Our standards are so low bruh.

We ended up busting into the history class, and ask Mr. L if we could take a picture of his exercise ball. He was in the middle of teaching a class, but he was chill with it.

Our entire class ended up disrupting basically the entire school.

It was fun though.

Oh and we played genetic bingo in biology. A boy who sits next to me was confused, so I basically played his bingo for him. I won twice and he won once... so I basically won 3 times.

He's weird, and makes people uncomfortable because he smells people and stands right behind them to see what they're doing...

But I felt like he needed a win.

Then I had to work in another group in German... it basically just became a group therapy session.

This keeps happening.

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