Entry 3

31 4 56

I can't remember much from when I woke up this morning. My mom was stressed out about church and I kinda just laid there.

I ended up writing another chapter of my fanfic and then watched some tiktoks.

I honestly have a terrible memory, so I don't remember what i've been doing all day.

I kinda just watched tiktoks.

Anyway, my brother ended up forcing me to get dinner, since I uh... skipped lunch. It's not my fault food=bad in my mind.

Then I decided to do some sketches for the fanfic I'm writing.

My dad ended up leaving the camper. Meaning the dogs were hysterical.

After a little while I went to get some clothes so that I could shower.

They removed the showers that I've been using every year previously. So I had to use different showers... and I'm afraid of new things so it really sucks!

I ended up having a full blown mental breakdown in the shower.

Self depreciating thoughts hit different while sitting in domesticated rain.

I came back and kinda chilled for a bit.

My mom ended up reading this article on ways you might be abusing your children without realizing it. She and my dad did a lot of the shit on that list. So of course I proceeded to say,
Imma tell my therapist that you're self diagnosing as abusive.

Later I ended up watching Jessie with my mom.

After that, we just started talking. Kinda just ranting to each other. And talking about the fact that I see random shit that's not there.

Not my fault demons watch me sleep.

My days have just been running together.
(Probably because my life is boring as fuck)

And I'm hoping this will help me... you know... not forget literally my entire life.

Like seriously, I don't remember jack shit about 2020.

I have zero recollection of it.

I know the events that transpired, but I don't have any memories from that entire year.

Any way imma go read fanfiction, and go to bed.

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