Zoulirry - Watch and Learn

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Yall this one got soooo long! #sorrynotsorry

I'm thinking about a part two but lemme know what you think. Enjoy



It was double date night. Harry and Liam were in the kitchen while Louis and Zayn set the table. At least once a month, they tried to get together, the four of them, to talk and enjoy being around the only other couple in the world that got what they were going through.

"Lou, hun, will you grab the wine?" Harry called from the kitchen.

"Yeah." Louis went to the cabinets and pulled out the bottle of red Harry picked out for that night.

Zayn came into the kitchen when he was finished with the silverware and wrapped his arms around Liam's waist. "Is it almost ready?" he asked over Liam's shoulder.

Liam nodded. "Yeah, will you grab that wooden spoon," he nodded to the spoon on the other side of the counter. Zayn leaned away from Liam to reach it and handed it to him, but instead of taking it Liam wrapped his fingers around Zayn's and stirred the vegetables with their hands joined. Zayn hummed happily and kissed Liam's shoulder.

After a few minutes, Liam turned off the heat and turned in Zayn's arms. "Table done?" Zayn nodded, eyes easy and tracking every movement of Liam's face.

"Guys, come on. I'm hungry." That would be Louis. Liam sighed while Zayn rolled his eyes and they filled plates with food and headed into the dining room. Harry was pouring the wine and Louis was sitting there like a lazy ass, waiting for food.

The boys set down the four plates and Harry placed the bottle in the middle of the table before taking his seat across from Louis. They raised their glasses in a toast. "Date night," Harry proposed.

"Date night," the rest chimed in.

They sipped on wine and munched on food until they were full and giggly and Harry was playing footsie with Louis and Zayn and Liam's hands were stretched across the table to touch. Zayn heard the umpteenth giggle and looked over to find Harry blushing with a smirk on his face. Then, he looked to Louis, whose fists were pressing into the table while he bit his lip.

Zayn looked back and forth a few times before leaning back and looking under the table. Wow, he thought. Harry's legs are really long. Then he scoffed and looked purposefully at Liam to get him to look, too. Liam gasped quietly at the sight of Harry's socked foot rubbing up and down Louis' noticeable bulge.

"Something aren't they?" Zayn whispered across the table.

"Something, alright."

"I can- shit- I can hear you," Louis complained.

Harry just giggled again and Louis' breathing stuttered. "Well, we can see you, but apparently that's not stopping you," Zayn quips.

"Don't try and lie; you love the view."

Zayn scoffed. "Please, Lou-"

"Yeah, kinda nice, actually."

Zayn's mouth dropped when he looked back to his boyfriend. "What?"

"You wanna tell me it's not?"

"I mean, yeah-I don't know."

"Like you've never thought about it," Liam urged.

Harry must have stopped to listen because then Louis was whining and his hips rocked up in the chair. Liam glanced down to see Harry's foot retract completely, much to Louis' dismay.

One Direction One Shots (all ships) Vol IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora