Zianourry - You Got Me Tied Down

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WARNING: pretty heavy BDSM


Harry, we're doing a video with a bunch of the girls from the house. It's simple, just a joke of how you're dating them all.

This is the scene where you do your thing with the girl. You know, just get really close and make it believable.

It's easy; just take the girl out for dinner. Buy her dessert and we'll drop her off back at her home.

This is necessary, Harry. Taylor is good for your image. She's got a lot she can do for the band.

Harry, it's not a big deal. She's pretty, anyone would want to date her. Plus, you're already friends, so just...be friendly.

Do it, Harry, or we can't guarantee the future of this band. And do it right this time; no gay innuendos and just-just be normal, Styles.

"Coming, Haz? Niall's cooking. Somehow he managed to get real food into the hotel," Zayn informed.

Harry shook his head and pulled his legs up on the bed to fold under him. "Not hungry."

"How can you not be hungry? You haven't eaten since yesterday morning." Harry just shrugged and fell back on the large hotel bed, curling up with arms coming around to cover his torso.

Louis stormed in with wide arms and a loud greeting. "It smells like heaven in there, boys. What are we waiting for?" Louis stopped short when he saw Harry in a ball on the bed. "Harold? Why aren't you motivating?"

"He doesn't want to go. Not hungry."

"Seriously? Harry," Louis knelt on the bed and turned Harry on his back before throwing a leg over his hips and settling on top of his body, "you're always begging for good food on tour."

Harry just mumbled so Louis rolled his eyes and pulled Harry up as he climbed off the bed. Harry let a smile tilt on his lips as Louis gave him a quick peck to the corner of his mouth before following them over to Niall and Liam's suite. Liam was busy grabbing small pieces of food from the skillet, with his arms around Niall's smaller frame, and feeding them to him. Niall took the bite and then sucked Liam's thumb clean after.

"Almost ready?" Zayn asked with a pinch to Niall's nipple. Niall squawked and swatted his hand away but nodded.

"Nearly. Go set the table, wanker."

Zayn frowned dramatically until Niall pulled him in for a quick kiss. Zayn quirked a brow and went to do what Niall asked. Louis was pulling Harry with him into the kitchen as Liam grabbed salt off the counter behind them.

"Harry, finally. Where have you been?" he asked.


"All day?" He put the back of his hand to Harry's cheek. "Are you sick?"

Harry shrugged him off. "I'm fine, Li. Let it go."

Louis and Liam shared a look and Louis shrugged sadly. "Okay, Haz. I hope you feel better."

They ate together, the four of them talking casually about tour and FIFA while Harry tried his best to look interested. He loved these boys and he couldn't figure out why he couldn't shake the heavy feeling in his stomach, the way his shoulders hung. It wasn't until Harry tried to beg off early as the boys sat down for a movie that they really started worrying.

"Just tell us what it is, Haz?" Niall begged. "Did we do something?"

Harry felt the pressure in his chest increase as he shook his head. "Of course not. You-you're all perfect."

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