Lilo - Its Not an Illusion (Part 3)

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Church was certainly as long as Louis imagined, but the music was actually decent and the people were welcoming.

"Liam Payne, I haven't seen you around here in a bit, and who is this handsome one?"

Liam floundered for words for a few moments before Louis took pity and stepped in, offering the elderly woman a gentle hand. "Louis, ma'am. Liam's boyfriend."

"Oh my, well, aren't you lucky. Liam here is quite a catch." She punctuated the compliment with a squeeze of Liam's arm. Louis smirked. Same, old lady. Same.

"That he is. It was very nice meeting you." The woman gave one last squeeze and walked away. Louis chuckled and turned to Liam to find him looking back at him. "What?"

"You look so good today. Those pants make your bum-"

"Don't. I said one time. No more." Liam huffed and reached a hand to ghost down the line of buttons on Louis' shirt. Louis watched his fingers ripple over the fabric and swallowed hard. "Liam," he warned weakly.

"I know," he conceded. "One time. But you're my boyfriend right now and I'm allowed to admire how great you look."

Louis wanted to argue, but, one, he was right, and, two, he wouldn't have stopped him even if he was wrong. "Okay." Louis slid closer and tucked a hand around Liam's waist. "You want to touch me? Is that it?" Liam just cleared his throat and looked over Louis' face. "You're allowed."

Liam took the permission and pulled Louis in with his arms wrapped around his back. "For only a few more hours."

"Make the most of it."

Liam nodded seriously and released Louis only to take his hand and pull him over to where his parents were saying 'hello' to the pastor. He wanted to get home where he could kiss on Louis without old ladies watching. "Liam, son, I'm glad to see you."

"Thank you, sir. Glad to see you, too."

His eyes shifted to Louis and Liam stiffened for a moment. His church had always been so accepting of him, but then again he'd never brought home a boy before. "Scott," the pastor introduced.

Louis stuck a hand out and added a smile. "Louis. You have a lovely church."

"Thank you very much. Are you planning on visiting again?"

"Oh Liam, has it really been that long since you came to your own church that your pastor has never met your boyfriend?" Karen berated gently.

"No, it's been a few weeks, but Liam does attend occasionally. But I haven't met the boyfriend. How long have you two been together?"

Liam felt his pulse race. He knew this. They'd gone over all this before his parents came. "A month."

"Two months," Louis said at the same time.

They looked at each other with wide eyes. "Um, two months? Wow..." Liam tried, but he knew he was a terrible liar on the spot and his mom could always tell.

"You don't remember how long you've been together? Liam, that's awful."

"He does," Louis assured her. "He's always going on about it. Must just be tired." He gave Liam's hand a meaningful squeeze.

"Right. Tired, yeah."

"Where did you guys meet?" Pastor Scott moved on.

"Class!" Liam shouted, proud that he remembered this made up fact. But his enthusiasm was more off-putting than reassuring.

"What class?" the pastor asked hesitantly.

Liam was stressing now. Why was he so nervous? He'd lied to his parents for days now. Maybe lying to this man felt like lying straight to God. "Home Ec?"

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