Nouis- Sunday Kind of Love (Part 2)

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Niall had the best boyfriend on the planet. Who knew Louis was a partner of multiple successful recording labels? Well now, Niall did. And Louis' lifestyle soon became Niall's.

Sort of.

They spent nearly every day together. Niall would wake up a little early to cook Louis a breakfast that apparently he "never thought he'd eat again after he moved out of his parents' home". Sometimes Louis would work from home, sometimes he'd take Niall with him.

Then, around eight, Niall would disappear. He told Louis he worked the graveyard shift at a private security company. Louis offered to take him to work nearly every night, but Niall insisted they didn't take kindly to strangers and hopped on the bus every time.

Around four, Niall would trudge back to Louis' place, tired and used and reeking of sex. He made sure to shower in the downstairs bathroom, as not to wake his sleeping lover, before cuddling up to him and falling asleep. And in the morning they'd start the whole thing over. Niall had grown accustomed to only four or so hours of sleep so he could get up and make breakfast. Louis insisted he sleep in sometimes, but Niall just smiled and pecked his cheek with a kiss as he flipped the bacon.

Louis knew something was up. He wasn't dumb, and not nearly as blinded by love as Niall assumed. Whatever Niall's job was, Louis wasn't a fan. He begged him to quit, but each time Niall would refuse to just be a trophy boy for Louis and stomp out of the house.


Niall slipped his shoes on and grabbed his jacket. He backtracked into the kitchen where Louis was making tea and said, "I'm off. See you in the morning," pecked his cheek, and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. It's Saturday and Niall would need the nutrition.

Louis grabbed his waist as he backed away and pulled him back in. Niall giggled and nuzzled into Louis' cheek. Louis rubbed slowly up and down his spine and purred, "Stay with me. Call in sick."

Niall shook his head. "You know I can't. They're super strict."

Louis tucked his head down and mouthed at Niall's neck, making the boy groan quietly and push his head to the side for Louis' ease. "But I'll be lonely and I need you."

Niall's fingers tighten in one of the loose tees that Louis always wore to bed. The blond almost couldn't comprehend that he was about to turn down, undoubtedly, mind-blowing sex with his boyfriend for mediocre sex with strangers. But hey, his boss was brutal, and Niall hadn't quite figured out how to leave the business yet. Reluctantly, he pulled away, delivering one last sweet kiss to his temple. "Don't tempt me." Niall waved goodnight to Louis with his banana and walked out the door.


Louis knew it was wrong. Spying on Niall made him some creepy, stalker boyfriend, but he was fed up with the way things were. He hated falling asleep every night without his boy next to him. And waking up to find him smiling, but so tired and cold, like his job was sucking life from him each night.

Louis' plan was to follow Niall to work, talk to his boss, possibly give some monetary incentive, and convince him to change Niall's shift. But the seedy brick building on the bad side of town wasn't what Louis was expecting. He watched Niall get off the bus and walk through the dimly lit doorway.

Louis parked across the street and waited for Niall to come back out, dressed in uniform, for whatever job he was on that night. But he never came back out. Louis huffed in annoyance and got out of his car to walk over to the building. He got a couple of weird looks from people passing by, and gave them weird looks in return. When he got inside, the place was more residential than business. He walked up to the manager's desk and slapped his hands down just hard enough to get his attention.

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