Larry - Love Wins

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"Holy shit, I'm so nervous," Louis admitted in a hushed voice.

Liam came around to his front and fiddled with his shirt a little. "Just remember who you're waiting for at the end of that isle."

Louis shuddered, a nervous and excited breath filtering from between his lips. "God, I bet he looks amazing. I want to see him."

"Soon. It's bad luck to-"

"Blah blah wedding. I know," Louis shrugged his best man off. "But just for a minute." Louis bit his lip as he looked around his dressing room, a few groomsmen shuffling around with last minute duties (or in Stan's case, sipping on a beer he stole from the open bar), before nodding. "I have to see him."

"Louis," Liam admonished.

"They won't even notice I'm gone," he promised.

"You're one of the grooms. They'll notice. If Jay finds out I let you-"

"She won't." Louis scrubbed his hands together. "I have to see him, Liam. Its killing me."

Liam sighed out in surrender. "Two minutes."

Louis smiled wide and had already dashed across the room as he waved back at the taller man. He peeked around the door of his dressing room, finding the hallway deserted. He needed to find someone that could get Harry away from all the people surely surrounding him right now so they could have a few moments.

He walked down the hallway with light, careful steps. He was just turning a corner when he bumped into his oldest younger sibling. "Lot! Oh perfect!"

"What are you doing out here, Louis? You're getting married in like an hour and you're not even fully dressed.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"I'm not sneaking you any beer. You can wait. And mom would kill me if I let you get sloshed before you said 'I do'."

Louis laughed but waved off the comment. "I need to see him."

Lottie's forehead scrunched up in worry. "What? Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he assured. "I just-I'm dying and I miss him." Lottie's face went soft, a silent 'aww' written all over it. Louis knew he'd lucked out finding his sister and not one of the other guys. "Can you get him away for a minute?"

"But you're not supposed to-"

"Charlotte," Louis stopped her. "Please?"

Lottie gave him a sympathetic pat on the arm and nodded. She pulled him into the closest room and told him to wait. Louis waited, just inside the door, until he was bending and unbending his fingers anxiously.

"Lottie, what the hell-" Harry was shoved inside the room and then the door shut behind him. "Lou?" His face went from confused to fond immediately. Then to worried. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I needed to see you," he said quietly, like the need wasn't childish enough as it was.

But Harry just smiled wide and pulled Louis into his arms. "If our mums find out we're breaking the rules..."

Louis shoved his face into Harry's neck, inhaling the scent of him deeply, and exhaling all his nerves. "I don't care." Louis' fingers curled into the back of Harry's dress shirt. "God, you smell amazing."

Harry just laughed kindly. "Thanks, babe." They held each, in peaceful quiet for another minute, before Harry sighed. "You okay?"

"I am now."

Harry hummed a contented sound. "One more hour until I'm Mr. Tomlinson." He pressed the words into Louis' hair.

Louis groaned. "Is it weird that that turns me on more than anything lately?"

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