Lilo - Its Not an Illusion (Part 2)

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Part 2! One more part to go. A tad of smut. A tad of fluff. A bit of angst. You're welcome.




They made it past the quick fire round, as Louis fondly referred to it during their trip to the grocery store that morning. Liam's mom had been enthusiastic in her questioning, but kind enough.

                 Liam, do you take him out? You better.
Of course I do, Mum.
To fancy places? He's looks the fancy type
He does, ma'am. Very fancy.

Oh Louis, has Liam told you about his doll collection?
Mum! They're called action figures!
Of course, dear.

Louis had himself a laugh at that before pulling Liam's knuckles to his lips for a reassuring kiss. Liam had flushed and shifted his eyes to the floor.

Now, they were simply watching some evening sitcom and lounging in pajamas. Geoff was rubbing one of Karen's shoulders in a massage unconsciously. Louis couldn't stop flicking his eyes over to them, then to Liam, who was almost always looking back. They looked like such a happy family. Louis could see where Liam got his sunny disposition.

Louis threw his legs over Liam's lap casually and laid his head on Liam's shoulder. For just a moment Liam tensed, but then he wrapped his arm around Louis' back and pulled him in. Louis refused to let the comforting warmth warp his thoughts into something dangerous. Liam was just like any other client. A paycheck and a log in his little black appointment book. Nothing more.

Liam lowered his head, and Louis felt the gentle press of lips in his messy hair. A shiver ran down his spine, which Liam must have interpreted as a chill. "Warm enough?" Louis just nodded, eyes locked on the TV screen. "Okay." Liam pulled him closer anyway and tugged a blanket off the back of the couch to cover them.

Shit. Shit, no. Just another paycheck, Louis reminded himself again.


Saturday was the day out with the 'rents. A whole day of flirting and holding hands and domestic talk. Liam was secretly ecstatic, but he thought he'd been good about hiding it for Louis.

Louis came around from behind him and laid his head on Liam's chest, as he'd taken to doing the past couple of days. "Your heart is beating really fast," Louis noted and put a hand next to his face on Liam's chest. "You don't need to be scared. It's just a regular day."

"Boys, we're ready- Oh, am I interrupting? I'm sorry," Karen backed out of Liam's room with a sly smile on her face.

Liam sighed and pulled Louis' hand from his soft shirt into his own hand. "I'm fine. Just ready to go."

Louis leaned up on his toes and kissed a short peck to his cheek. "Okay, then. Let's go." He pulled Liam from his room and met the parents at the door. Geoff was gathering his and Karen's coats while Karen was making noise in the kitchen.


"Yeah, Mum?" Liam passed Louis his coat and they both shrugged into them.

Karen came from the kitchen holding a bag of chips. "I didn't know you liked barbecue?"

"Oh, uh, I don't..." Liam looked at the bag confusedly.

Louis raised a hand next to Liam. "Guilty, Mrs. Payne."

"Oh," Karen scoffed like she should've guessed, like she knew Louis at all. "Of course." Karen went back to gathering snacks as she mused, "They are so cute."

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