Settling Things

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Will was putting on the charm the next morning, trying to wake me with soft kisses and whispered comments. I admit I enjoyed it, feeling him brush his fingers across my shoulder and press his lips where his fingers followed. "Ana, God, you're so beautiful. Do you know that? You're my pretty girl, I could get lost in your eyes. So deep, like a pond in a forest, clear down to the rich earth at the bottom." His fingers tangled in my hair, "It's golden like a field of wheat, darker and richer than the sun." They trailed down to my waist, "Ana, say something. Please."

I yawned, "Will? What time is it?" I could only stay silent against his musings for so long. He really was charming, when he chose to be. As opposed to last night when he acted like a complete ass.

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder, pulling me to lay flat on the bed. "Late morning, almost noon. I wanted to let you sleep."

"So we missed breakfast?" I really was hungry, after last night where I had left my dinner uneaten on the table. "Or is it too soon for luncheon?"

"I'd say luncheon, but it will probably be a few hours. I already had to send the stewards away once."

"Hmph," I looked away, trying to think. I had no idea where we were in the Atlantic, or how soon we would arrive in New York. I wanted things fixed between Will and Charles by the time we arrived, and I knew that only amounted to a few days at the very most. I wanted to speak about it to both of them though, to see if they would settle it on their own. Instead I shifted to lean against Will, looking up at him. "I don't suppose you thought to ask them to bring a snack?"

"No, I didn't." He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I could chase one down if you'd like." He had started to rise, looking towards the door.

"No, no." I grabbed at his arms, "Don't leave." He settled down onto the bed, collecting me into his arms. I let my head rest against his chest, listening to him breathe. It was comforting to rest on him, the material of his pajamas a soft cover over his chest. I watched him intertwine our fingers, "Are you still angry?"

His fingers twisted, wrapping tightly around mine. "Not at you, I wasn't angry at you Ana."

"I am sorry for playing that joke."

"It wasn't your fault, although that trick wasn't very pleasant. It was Charles that came up with that idea." Will pulled me closer, pressing his lips to the top of my head. "So there's no reason for me to be angry with you." His comments still didn't help the curl of guilt that had taken up residence in my stomach. He was angry with his oldest friend because of me, which meant I had to try and do something to fix it. Will pulled me tighter to him, his hands on my waist. "You know that, right? I'm not angry at you in the slightest."

"But you're still angry." I pressed my head back into his chest, "You know he was just trying to help."

"He was trying to insert himself into our relationship." I felt Will tense underneath me as he spoke, "Charles tries to insert himself into everything, he has a terrible time not being the center of attention."

"Still, you should speak to him." I could feel his hands tighten on my waist, "I hate leaving things to fester, why do you think I always try and settle things between u, when we disagree, before we go to bed?"

"And here I thought it was because you couldn't resist me." He loosened his hands, and I shifted up. His brow was furrowed, though he did watch me greedily as I moved to get dressed. I had barely gotten my nightgown over my head before he pulled me back to the bed, rolling on top of me as I gasped. "And you know I can't resist you, especially like that."

I tried pushing against him, trying to get out of the cage of his arms. "Will, I need to get dressed."

"No, you don't." He hardly looked up from where he was kissing my breasts, "You don't need to leave the bed at all."

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