Fair Winds and Following Seas

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As much as I did not want to have to go to the offices, the contracts that Sir Courtenany had sent our way were in and needed my approval. Mr. Keller was very apologetic about it, and the staff when we arrived gave small nods to Will as he made his way past. My office seemed cold and harsh in the afternoon light streaming through the window, and I drew the curtains before sitting down and beginning to sort through them. I glanced up when I saw Will pull the drape over the window that looked out onto the clerk's desks. 'Something wrong?"

"I don't like them looking at me like I'm a condemned man." He grimaced, shaking his head. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, it makes it feel like we're still at home." I smiled, watching as he sat down across the desk from me. "You know, you might be able to sign some of these. I mean, technically, we own this company together."

"I thought your mother was the co-owner."

"She is, but we own everything we brought into the marriage together." I leaned across, letting him get a good look down the sheer shirtwaist I was wearing. "So technically, you own a quarter."

"I hardly think that allows me to sign contracts." He was very clearly leering at me, and gave a chuckle. "Although I trust you to keep my shares in good standing until I can come back."

"Oh, my husband is permitting me to act as his proxy, I'm so honored." I joked, turning back to the contracts on the desk. To be quite honest, they were incredibly boring. Contracts relating to the transport of wheat, potatoes, corn and barley were stacked in one spot. Refrigerated holds were to be turned over to transport large amount of meat, more holds moving tinned vegetables and meats.

It was actually rather boring, and I stopped reading them after awhile.

The signing was monotonous and eventually I was signing my name by rote. Will did his best to distract me, keeping up a running commentary as he sorted through the various piles. "Oh Christ Ana, tinned beef. You will have to send me something to keep me sane."

"I can hardly ship a crown roast over." I teased, "Although perhaps some of Morgan's cookies."

"Oh I would have to hide those, I can imagine everyone stealing them."

"I could always send some of my gingerbread to throw them off the scent." I sighed, standing up to stretch. "You would just have to pretend that it tasted good for a bit."

He winced, "I'm not sure if I could pull that off."

I stood, coming around to sit on the desk in front of him. "Oh come now, was it really so bad?"

"The dog wouldn't even eat it." Will leaned back, grinning. "Although Oscar did at least pretend to enjoy it."

I rolled my eyes, moving to his lap. "You really need to stop torturing him." I pressed a kiss to his lips, "There's no point to it."

"Well, he'll be free of me for awhile." Will gave a wistful smile, but leaned forward to kiss me firmly. "Can we not talk about him?" In response I moved forward and slipped my tongue into his mouth, feeling him groan underneath me. My skirt was full enough that I could hike it it some to allow myself to straddle him, and Will let his hands wander down my back as he pulled me tight to him.

Then I began to move.

He cursed under his breath at that, and clutched me even tighter to him. I could feel him stirring under me, and I rubbed myself against him even harder. I wanted him, I wanted him every moment until there wasn't a moment to be had. But then Will's hands gripped my hips, holding me in place. "Ana, did you hear that?"

I glanced towards the door, thinking that someone may have been walking by. "No?"

"The chair, it sounds like it's going to break if we keep going like this." He glanced sidelong at my desk, "But that won't." My heart started hammering, for I always loved it when Will bent me over something. He was rather fast and rough when he did that, and that was what I wanted at the moment. So Will let his hands linger on my hips as I leaned over, and I felt his fingers slide down to lift my skirt up.

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