The Birthday Party

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AN: Well, there's nothing like staying up late on Friday night to write some smut.

My birthday found me sitting in the offices, addressing invitations to the party next week. It made more sense to me to wait for the party until everyone could be here, and next week was the time when everyone's schedules lined up. Will and James would be home, the Fields would be here, even Charles would be docked. Oscar, Liz and their parents were available at any time, as was Mother, but I desperately wanted everyone to be here.

Will had thought it rather funny to see me almost ignoring the actual day of my birth for the week after. "Ana, you could just combine it with the party I have no doubt you'll be throwing for Christmas."

"I am not doing that." I had snorted, cuddling closer to him under the blankets.

"Do you know what your birthday also is?" He had asked, pulling me closer. He hadn't even waited for me to reply. "It's the feast day of Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland."

I had chuckled at that, "When did you start following the saints? I didn't think Presbyterians did that."

"We don't, but there's a good number of Catholics still in Scotland and they always have a big to do on that day." I had felt im run his fingers through my hair. "I suppose I should write to one of my friends and have him light a candle in one of the cathedrals. You're marrying a Scotsman and were born on our patron's day, clearly there's something divine at play."

"Yes, we were written in the stars." I had mumbled, feeling my eyes begin to slide shut. I had planned out the dress to wear to the party, just to fool around with him. The dress from my engagement party, with a brilliant white silk shawl around my waist. Will had already told me how much he loved that dress, and he'd get a better chance to peel it off of me after this party than the last one I had worn it to.

"Miss Dalian?" I heard Mr. Keller say, having popped his head in through the door. "I have the reports from the Great Lakes offices."

I gestured to the chair. "Please, how are things up there?"

"We finished the last iron shipments up to Canada, and the ships have been laid up for the winter." He set a paper on my desk, "The Hugh Porter has a slight leak below the waterline, developed it over the summer. Her pumps have been able to keep up, but-"

"Now would be a good time to have her hauled out and fixed." I finished for him, checking the paper. Sure enough it was an order for repairs. "I see no problem with it, let them know to be sure that it's done before it gets too cold."

"Of course, Miss." Mr. Keller nodded, "And I would like to extend my best wishes to you on your birthday."

I smiled, "Thank you, although today is going to be rather calm, all things considered."

"I hope you don't mind that I picked this up for you." He reached into his jacket pocket, holding out a wrapped package. "With how you've taken over, I figured you deserved a decent one."

I picked the wrapping off, revealing a new silver inkstand. It had the scrolled D from our silverware engraved on it, and a steam ship on either side of it. I set it proudly on my desk, transferring the glass bottle of ink from the plain wooden stand to the new one. "Thank you Adam, it's lovely."

"You've been doing far better here than I thought you would." He chuckled, "I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but everything has still been as smooth as it was before." I watched him settle back, his mustache quite fluffy even before he brought his hand up to stroke it. "And I hope you'll enjoy something that I'll be bringing to you in a few months."

I shook my head, "You could tell me and I would let you know."

"Ah Miss, then it would be ruining the surprise." He stood, nodding to me as he headed back out. I was grateful for the work, it distracted me and made the time practically fly. Soon enough the Oceanic had docked and I was at the White Star offices, passing the invitation over to Charles. He looked good, his face calm and the small smile I had grown used to seeing when he had been here back on his face.

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