Wedding Plans

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AN: So sorry for the late update, I do a pet sitting business on the side and it really pick up during the summer. Also I have a small dating life now, which is weird but I am not going to focus on it and leave the fic alone. Things just kind of became a perfect storm to keep me busy this week. Hope you all enjoy the chapter! Also, go check out Sparky-She-Demon's fic, Down in History. She's been a huge help with all of this and is a great friend to bounce ideas for this fic off oc.

By the time Will had to leave I could at least speak again, although he threatened to stay and miss the next trip unless I had promised to stay home from the offices until I had regained my strength. I had been huddled over a hearty potato soup, greedily breathing in the smell. "Will, I can barely make it all the way down the stairs. Believe me, I'll be staying."

"I'd hate to have to ask Captain Fraser to turn us around because you weren't taking care of yourself." He had grumbled, but he had smiled as he had said it. I had at least been able to go down and bid him farewell when he was about to set out, and he had held me close for longer than he usually did. His voice was soft when he spoke into my ear, "Ana, please take care of yourself. I want you healthy. I don't want to find you like that again."

"I will." I had nodded into his shoulder, squeezing him a little tighter than I should have. It was a sight more difficult to see him leave this time, and I wound up spending most of the day in the parlor, close to the fire and trying to distract myself with a book. Anything that would give me a chance to look out the windows and hope that he had forgotten something and had to return. Instead, when I looked out one time, I saw Mother's car chugging into the snowy yard. I was already on my feet and moving to the door when she came in, removing her coat and gloves and handing them off. "Mother, what ever are you doing out in this kind of weather?"

"Coming to check on you." She replied, stopping in front of me and feeling my forehead. "Your fever is gone."

"Yes, it has been for a few days now." I stepped into the parlor, pulling her to sit on the settee with me. "Will was quite a wonderful nurse, although I am still getting my strength back."

Mother nodded to a maid who brought in a tea service and some cookies. "I'm glad, although I hope you won't be making him play that role again anytime soon." She picked up a cookie from the tray, delicately nibbling at it. "Do you think you would be well enough by next week to attend a luncheon?"

"A luncheon?" I looked up from mixing the cream and sugar into my tea. "I suppose so, why are you throwing a luncheon though?"

"To assist with your wedding." Mother smirked, "I know you haven't accomplished much beyond deciding on a date. Although you did at least reserve the church." She sighed, "I am going to do my best to assist with it, but it is only a few months away. We need to arrange the wedding portraits, the seating arrangements for the reception, deciding on the new decorations for your new bedroom here, the invitations, the menu, the music. I mean, for God's sake Anastasia, you haven't even selected your bridesmaids yet. Let alone their dresses."

I grimaced. I hadn't, truth be told I hadn't even thought much about it. "I'm sorry Mother, things have just been so busy."

"Well, I am bringing together some ladies and we will help you muddle your way through." She did smile at me, "Hopefully we can handle most of the issues tomorrow, or at least make some basic decisions to have carried out." She must have seen the chagrined look on my face for she reached over and patted my hand. "Not all brides have to deal with what you have had to, I am not upset. It's just something that we need to get done."

"I know, Mother." I nodded, sipping at my tea. "Although I have arranged something for the wedding."


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