A French Letter

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Will had arrived in Southampton on the twenty-seventh, and I had already arranged for flowers to be waiting for him at his house. I could only imagine the look on his face when he saw them, along with the telegram that would have been delivered the following morning. Happy birthday, my love. I am anxiously awaiting the return of my old lecher. Your Ana. I had his birthday gift waiting for him when he got back, and I found the days dragging as I waited for him. I heard nothing from him on his birthday, and we were into March before we got word that he was on his way back.

I was dancing from foot to foot as the Anastasia tied up, Rigel bouncing at my feet as we waited for Will. I didn't even wait as soon as I saw him coming towards us, his bag in hand. He almost dropped it as I flung myself into his arms. "Oh, happy birthday Will! I'm so sorry it's belated."

"Ana," He grunted, catching me and holding me tight. "It's quite alright. Thank you for the flowers, love."

"I've got your present for you at home," I couldn't help nuzzling into his shoulder. "And your dinner. I even helped make the cake." Rigel gave a whine, his tail thumping against Will's leg as he sniffed at the bag.

Will jerked it back as if Rigel had latched his jaws onto it. "No, away! Shoo!" Rigel followed the bag, his tail waving happily. "Get away from that, dog." He turned to me, "Honestly Ana, control him!"

"I think he's just glad to have you home, dear." I chuckled, seeing Rigel follow Will's bag as he pulled it away again. "As am I, in fact let's get you home."

"Well, I'd rather he not go through my bag. I still remember those shoes he chewed up." He pulled his bag higher, starting towards the carriage with Rigel in his wake. "They were new Ana, I'd hardly had them a day and he'd chewed straight through them."

I shook my head, climbing in after them. "And I replaced them right after." Will had his bag clutched tightly to him as we set off, although Rigel kept taking long sniffs of the air, his nose pointed right at it. Rigel seemed to sense his greatest opportunity was when we arrived home, and he tackled himself onto Will when he had gotten down. The leather bag went into the gravel, and Rigel pounced quickly. The latch proved no problem for his strong paws, and Will was scrambling towards him. "Damn dog! Stay out of it, or I'll beat you, I swear it!" It was rather comical to see him try and pull the massive black hound away, although Rigel pulled back after a moment, a sock in his mouth. Will was breathing heavy as he sat on the ground, tugging the sock away from him. "Ana, he's to go to the kitchens tonight. No dinner, not after that."

I chuckled as I came down from the carriage. "I'm afraid I have to agree with you on that." I looked to the footman at the door, "Tyler, see that Rigel stays downstairs tonight." He nodded, collaring the poor dog and hauling him off. I shook my head, it was not the first time that Rigel would be going to bed hungry. It was at least a good teacher, he didn't misbehave in the same way twice. Will pulled himself back to his feet, brushing himself off and holding his bag tight. I brushed my hands across the shoulder of his coat. "So what did you do for your birthday?"

"I met Charles, we had a few drinks. Nothing crazy."

"You didn't get drunk enough to try and bed him, did you?"

He spluttered at that. "God no, just enough to get a massive headache in the morning." We had made it inside by now, and Will headed off Reggie when he started forward. "I'll take my bag up, it's fine." He didn't even wait for an answer, already climbing up the stairs.

Feeling like a change of clothes, I followed him up. "Did Charles tease you about getting old?"

He kept climbing, only looking back for a moment. "Getting old? No, no, not about that."

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