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Sophie sat sullenly, a piece of ice in a napkin held to her cheek. It still stung from where Henry had slapped her. After the news about the Lusitania had come in, Zachary had wanted to stay and celebrate. His father had indulged in the champagne a bit, and cigars had been brought out at some point. Samantha had left, fluttering off to speak to her friends about what was going on.

It would have been wonderful to leave, to get out of this house for a minute, but Zachary refused to let her leave. In fact, Sophie was rather sure that he had a servant follow her when she visited the water closet earlier. She had barely spoken since the slap, although much hadn't been asked of her.

It did mean that she had a good view when the butler came in to announce a visitor, Frank Reading from the Journal. "He's come to bring you the news before it goes to print."

"See him in." Henry nodded, then turned and raised an eyebrow at his son.

Zachary stalked over, hissing in her ear. "Turn away from him so he doesn't see that you had to be disciplined."

Sophie bit her tongue, turning her head to the side so her reddened cheek was hidden as Reading was brought in. She could still see him though, and the deferential nod he gave Henry. "Mr. Reichtster, my apologies for a slight delay. It has been a most eventful day."

"Indeed." Henry gestured to one of the leather chairs. "Please, join us. Anything to drink, or perhaps a cigar?"

"Well, who am I to refuse your hospitality?" Reading chuckled, and a servant quickly brought him a glass of whiskey. Sophie snorted when she saw him pour from the cheap bottle, and the cigar was not from Henry's personal humidor. Reading sipped his drink and took a few puffs before speaking again. "I've been keeping an ear out on the matter you sent your man to inquire about."


Reading sighed, "A blonde woman was seen getting off a boat in Queenstown, with a giant black dog. She sent telegrams to New York, Southampton and Portsmouth. I managed to get her name, it's Mrs. Murdoch."

Zachary cursed, standing. He wobbled for a moment before grabbing the back of his chair. "It can't be that damn woman, it can't! Your source must be mistaken."

"My source is accurate." Reading calmly sipped his drink. "The same words will be in every paper in New York soon enough. She'll pass out of the papers soon though; the focus is always on the lost and no one has spotted Alfred Vanderbilt. Some are already waiting outside his house to question his widow."

Henry pinched the bridge of his nose. "My thanks, Mr. Reading. Your usual payment will be supplemented." He stood, nodding towards the door. "If you do not mind, I will need to speak to my son."

"Of course, I need to get my write up done anyway. Paul will wring my neck if I don't have it turned in soon." Reading gave them a slight bow before heading out.

Sophie already had a grin on her face before Henry's face fell. "Why won't she just die?" He spat, turning to the bar. "It would have been so much simpler with her dead. Christ, I may have to arrange things now." He whirled on Zachary, "We could have avoided all of this if you hadn't been so damn stupid!"

"Stupid!" Zachary sprang to his feet, and Sophie took to hers. She knew how these arguments got. Zachary looked like he was about to take a swing at his father. "I did everything you asked for, it's not my fault she's a prude and an idiot!"

"You pushed her too far!" Henry was getting red in the face and Sophie inched towards the door. Her fingers were around the knob, twisting it gently in her hand. Henry was fairly growling. "You know you needed to be gentle!"

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