Tea With the Lightollers

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During his worst days on the Peterel, Will had dreamed of waking up to a morning like this. Curled up around his wife, who didn't have a stitch on and the both of them warm under the blankets. He wanted to linger in that darkness for as long as he could, but then Ana had begun pressing kisses to his throat. There really wasn't a reason to tell her to stop, especially when her kisses travelled down his chest and even lower.

He could have let her continue in that fashion, by God did it feel wonderful, but he wanted more. So he drew her up, kissing her deeply and groaning into the kiss as she settled herself on him. He'd woken up aching from dreams where she had ridden him to completion, and now she was here, moving above him and letting him knead her breasts and suckle at them. He reveled in her soft skin, the warmth of her, the way she curled her fingers in his hair and whispered how she had missed him.

They both finished within a few heartbeats of the other, and Will would gladly have spent the rest of the day in bed, his wife draped boneless over him. But then Ana's stomach growled and she ducked her head. "Breakfast?"

"Breakfast." He agreed, kissing her quickly. It pained him to see Ana dress, but at least it was in his uniform. She did carry it off wonderfully, although he had to tease her a bit by keeping his waistcoat from her grasp. The suspenders kept the shirt close to her skin, and he could see quite a bit of her breasts as she grabbed for the waistcoat.

He used it to lure her downstairs, leaving it on the table while he ducked into the kitchen. While fresh milk was hard to find now, there was powdered milk that he could mix up quickly and add to a couple of beaten eggs. It was easy enough to fry them up, and he set a pot of coffee on with it. There wasn't much tea to be had, but coffee was still available. The bread was a bit tougher than the usual, all the good flour headed to the trenches in France.

But Ana tore into it all like she hadn't eaten in a week. She didn't even complain about the lack of cream and sugar for the coffee, gulping it down black. Will went back to the kitchen after she had looked at her empty plate, coming back with more eggs for her and a small plate of them for Rigel. He had been content with his own serving, and he laughed when Ana reached up with her napkin to clean her lips. "You didn't even have anything there."

"It felt like it." She mumbled, leaning back in her chair. "I want to go back to bed."

Will collected the plates, "We should."

"But Lieutenant Campbell-" Ana's words were cut off by the door opening, and Rigel tearing off towards the figure stepping in with his teeth bared. Will flung the plates back down on the table, lunging after the dog. He barely managed to grab Rigel's collar, the dog's teeth snapping shut on air instead of Campbell's leg.

The younger man looked down at Will, sniffing. "That beast should be destroyed."

"You should have knocked." Will muttered, hauling Rigel backward.

"I told you noon," Campbell walked to the table, looking disdainfully down at the remains of the eggs. "Breakfast at noon?"

"We slept in." Ana pursed her lips. "You can't be angry that I'm exhausted."

"Oh, I'm not angry." Campbell drew out a handkerchief, flicking away a bit of egg on the table and wiping it over Will's seat. He sat down, looking to Will. "Put the dog outside and clear this."

Will let go of Rigel's collar, immensely glad when Rigel trotted over to Ana and immediately put his front paws in her lap. Ana's arms wrapped around him, and Will picked up the plates. "I would remind you that this is my house, Lieutenant."

"If you can even call it that." Campbell cast his eyes around, "I would hope you're looking for someplace better, given your promotion."

"We're quite happy here." Ana sniped, and Will was glad to hear a bit of anger in her voice. "Can we simply finish this, Lieutenant? I'd like you to leave as soon as possible."

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