The Regatta

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The Astors had not one yacht, but two tied up at the docks. One was clearly for racing, covered in hands adjusting lines and taking orders from the hired captain. The other was for leisure, it even had a set of steam engines to power it. That was where Will and I currently were, accepting an early morning drink from the servants bringing around trays of food and drink. I stuck to lemonade, as did Will. Champagne could be had after the race had been finished. Mrs. Astor was very pleased to see Will, she said exactly that. "Oh Mr. Murdoch, I am so pleased to see you here this morning. I was hoping to get your thoughts on the races later today. We'll be facing some stiff competition, what with the Vanderbilts and the Reichsters, not to mention that German yacht!"

"Well," He sipped his lemonade for a moment, "I cannot speak to the others, but you have my sincerest hope that you beat Metternich."

She laughed, "I think we're all hoping for that. That scene he caused at the Reichster's party! You'd think someone used to the court in Berlin would be better able to handle himself." Mrs. Astor shook her head, "You did not wear your uniform to bait him, I hope?"

"We didn't even know he was there." I smiled, "It was a surprise to us. I wasn't even aware Sophie had brothers."

Mrs. Astor leaned in to whisper, "Rest assured Anastasia, your William is by far the better looking man." I felt the blush on my face as she left us to circulate among the other guests on the yacht. I was the only woman wearing an actually appropriate dress, many of them seemed to feel that a regatta was a chance to show off their latest fashions, including a number of hobble skirts.

I couldn't help the snort I made as one woman slowly made her way past us, her skirt caught up so tight around her ankles that her steps were miniscule. It took her a long time to walk past. Will glanced aside at me, "Ana, don't tell me you've got one of those."

"Oh no, Will." I brought a hand up to cover the grin on my face, "I can't abide skirts that tight. I could barely walk if I wore them!"

I felt Will press his lips to my ear, his voice a bare whisper. "Good, because I would have a very difficult time lifting them back on the yacht." I must have been blushing like mad for he drew back and chuckled, even after I smacked his arm. God, it was almost infuriating the way he could excite me like that. But he refused to go all the way, no matter how much I begged him. I could understand his reasons, even if I felt I would go mad sometimes with how much I wanted him.

I leaned up, whispering into his ear. "Perhaps it's a good thing you're going out soon, otherwise I might just ravish you." He blushed at that, his hand finding my waist as we made our farewells and headed off the Astor's yacht. The docks were filled with society members swirling and flowing around the various yachts. The racing ones were popular, most of the men trying to show off their knowledge to impress anyone and everyone. But the biggest draws were the latest leisure yachts, the families trying to one up each other in terms of refreshments and luxury on display.

The Vanderbilt yacht was docked nearby, although I watched Will's face fall as he noted the yacht across from it. Evan Perry and his wife were laughing loudly onboard it, joined by a few other couples and a number of men tending to the lines and speaking quietly. He almost growled, "Damn him, why does he keep following us?"

I watched as Perry looked over, his eyes lingering for a moment too long on me. I grabbed Will's arm tighter, "Just ignore him, we're only here for a moment to say hello and then we have to get back for the race." There was an even larger yacht just down from them at the next berth, a scripted Wilhelmina written on her bow. I had no doubt this was the Metternich's yacht, currently only occupied by their crew that was studiously ignoring us.

"If he keeps looking at you I am throwing him overboard." Will glared at the man, only looking away as we made our way up the gangplank. The Vanderbilts had the hired hands of most of the other yachts, although Oscar was walking among them. He had disdained the suits that most of the other society men were wearing, opting for a simple shirt and a pair of trousers. I felt Will tense, even as he called out. "Oscar, what are you doing looking like a common tar?"

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora