A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace

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We came later the next day, and I was distinctly uncomfortable for the car ride over. The Links had sent over a message, that the picture of Will protecting me was wonderful but that they would prefer a more deliberate sign. Which meant that Will, as well as Ezekiel and Oscar, was currently carrying a pistol on his hip. Will had assured me that he wouldn't even touch it until he handed it over to one of the Pinkertons for safe keeping, but it still had me sitting rigid in the seat. Every time his hand brushed across the butt of it I practically jumped, remembering the last time he had held a gun.

"I thought about using the gun, that it would be quick."

Ezekiel was sitting across from me, his pistol hanging on him with far too much ease. But it was Oscar, sitting on my other side in a well tailor suit, that kept his hand on his gun the entire time. It felt more like I was being escorted to prison rather than simply having my friends pretending to be guards. Mother, sitting beside Ezekiel, was far more at ease with the weaponry around us. To her, they were just props. But to me, God, it was a memento of the worst nights of my life.

Will stepped out first when the car stopped, handing me out. His hand was tight on mine when I grasped it, his voice a hiss. "He's here." I wasn't quite sure who he meant, and took a moment to look up out over the crowd. I practically froze when I saw him, tall and black haired, his green eyes alight as he spoke to a reporter. Will pulled me close to him. "I should kill him right here."

"You can't." I whispered, grateful for the brief moment as the others got out of the car. It kept me from having to get closer to Mr. Reichster.

He glanced over to the others. "Reichster decided to crawl out from whatever rock he's been under."

Oscar looked over, and was at Will's side in a instant, his voice hushed and quick. "Will, I know you want to kill him. I do too!"

"Not as much as me."

"Oh, you'd be surprised. But the one who gets to kill him is Ana, and she doesn't want to do anything right now." He looked to me, "Do you?"

"No, I just want to get away from him." I stepped closer to Will, hearing him grumble as Oscar took his pistol from him. Not that he kept it for very long, passing all of the weapons that had been brought over to the Pinkerton next to the driver. He did it slow enough for the cameras to flash, and he quickly led the charge through the crowd. We followed, Mother and Ezekiel behind us as we swept into the courthouse.

The Links were waiting by the door to the courtroom, and they immediately rushed forward. Rhett spoke first, "Pull the veil up, let me see what it looks like." I did, knowing that what was on my cheek was a blooming cloud of purple and black, tinted green at the edges. He considered it for a moment. "Get the powder, she needs to be paler." Dalton didn't even wait for my permission before reaching over with a powder brush, covering every part of my face except the bruise. Rhett pursed his lips as he considered it. "That should work, but don't lift the veil until you're on the stand."

"I know."

"It might not be until this afternoon, we're going to have our anonymous testimony and the evidence they gave us first."


"You're still comfortable testifying?"

"Yes," I sighed. "Mr. Link, please, can we just go in?"

"The doors haven't been opened yet, so no." He tried to smile, although it didn't reach his eyes. "Why don't you take a seat? Maybe Mr. Murdoch can get you some coffee or tea."

"I'm not leaving her side." Will stepped up to me, taking my arm and leading me over to a bench. Mother followed, Oscar and Ezekiel standing as the three of us clustered on the bench. Will kept his hand on me constantly, although he was constantly twisting his head to try and spot Mr. Reichster. "For him to show his face here, my God."

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