Crossing Together

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Will trailed behind Captain Fraser as they entered the dining saloon, doing his best be the anonymous humble officer the Captain had pitied with an invitation. He found that for the fuss it usually entailed, he missed coming in with Ana on his arm and having everyone acknowledge the two of them. Instead he was forced to see Ana, beautiful even in a simple gown, very clearly considering stabbing herself with a fork as Mr. Longmore flirted with her.

Will had met Longmore before, never enough to know him personally but enough to recognize him when he was aboard. The man was rather full of himself, but generally kept out of the officers' business so he had never really formed an opinion about him. But now, seeing Ana look over and light up when she saw him coming in, he had to master himself to keep from glaring at the young man.

Instead he walked forward, nodded towards the empty chair to Ana's side, and spoke. "Is this seat taken, ma'am?"

"Oh, no, please." Ana smiled, looking over to Longmore. "I hope you don't mind." The other man simply snorted as Will sat, and Will favored his wife with a squeeze of her hand once he was in his chair. He almost jumped when Ana instead placed her hand on his thigh under the tablecloth. When he glanced over she was all smirks, and inched her hand a bit higher.

He found himself glad when the stewards brought around drinks, although he kept away from the wine. Captain Fraser nodded as he did so, "Can't be too careful."

"No sir," Will replied, realizing that while he had been distracted by Ana the others had fallen into conversation.

Fraser seemed to be leading it, "Oh, we're carrying all manner of things. I think I even saw a crate of magazines being loaded."

"Anything of substance?" Longmore, picking at the salad they had been brought, raised an eyebrow.

"I believe they were fashion magazines." Fraser gave a shrug, "We're glad to carry anything we're hired to."

Longmore snorted, "Some stupid woman no doubt." Will's fork froze on his way to his mouth, glancing over to Ana. But she was all bland complacency, acting as if she wasn't even listening. Longmore wasn't finished though, "Show me a woman who's read a book and I'll show you a woman who wishes she was a man."

"Joseph, that talk isn't appropriate for the table." One of the older men spoke up, "And I'll have you know that my wife has quite the library."

"Well, it's all fine for mature women." Longmore tried to backpedal a bit. "But I can't stand those young bluestockings, always out marching for the right to vote or pretending they want to get degrees. Completely unfeminine, they fathers should have done better."

"I personally find those kind of women fascinating," Will couldn't help speaking up. "They make for much more enjoyable conversation, although I'm not sure that's what you want in a woman. It seems you're interested in them for other reasons."

Longmore turned in his seat, glaring across Ana. "And who exactly are you?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my officer here," Fraser cut in, "I brought him to enjoy a nicer dinner than what he usually gets, but it seems he left his manners in the officer's mess."

Will bowed his head, looking down at the roast chicken that had been brought. "My apologies, sir." He could see Ana smiling behind her hand, clearly reveling in what was going on. Will wondered if she was laughing about the same thing he was mulling over in his mind, that he had meant his apology for Fraser but since he hadn't addressed it, Longmore was currently preening in his seat as if he had won this bout. Will reached for his utensils, "Perhaps we should change the topic."

But then Ana lowered her hand, "I'm actually fascinated by what men think of women. Tell me Mr. Longmore, what are your opinions on women in business? Isn't this line owned by two of them?"

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