Whispers on the Wind

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Zachary waited four days to come to the cottage and actually called beforehand to make sure that he would be allowed in. Considering that was the most polite he'd been since he'd stopped trying to court me, I remarked I was surprised about his behavior. Will, on the other hand, was not. "He's going to try something, I just know it."

"Darling," I stood, coming to lower myself into his lap. "You know he won't be able to."

"He could try and take them."

"We're going to be sitting in with them the whole time." I quirked an eyebrow up. "You could always search him before he's allowed inside. After all, he could have a knife."

"I'll have Tyler do it, with both the dogs." Will had an evil grin on his face, and he reached up to tug on my hair. "I like this very much, by the way."

I glanced away, "I didn't want him to think I actually cared about him." Not dressing appropriately would be enough of an insult for Zachary, a clear sign he wasn't worthy of being considered a guest. I pulled the loose braid over my shoulder, fingering the white ribbon wrapped in a bow around the end. "And you did like braiding it."

"It's much nicer than splicing rope." He kissed me lightly, "So much softer, and rope never makes those delightful little sounds when I run my fingers through it."

"None of that in front of Zachary, now." I stood, brushing my hands over my skirt so that it hung right.

Will came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Or plenty of it, just to spite him." I batted his hands away, although he still managed to grab my rear a few times on our way down. He had to leave that off when giving his instructions to Tyler though, which gave me time to slip into the parlor.

Sophie was sat in front of an afternoon tea spread, dressed in a becoming pale green gown and clutching Adam in his blanket close to her. She glanced up from him when I came in. "He should be here soon, shouldn't he?"

"Yes, I think so." I took a seat on the settee. "But Sophie, we'll be here the entire time. Mother's even coming down."

"I know." She sighed, "I just don't want to have another scene."

Will, in the doorway, smirked. "You could always leave him."

"I can't!" Sophie almost squealed, "I can't William, I just can't. But, but maybe it can be better."

Will coming to sit next to me was very clearly about to say something when I smacked his arm, cutting him off before he could speak again. I lied, hoping to make her feel better. "I'm sure it will." Sophie was very clearly still anxious as Mother joined us, and when the dogs came trotting in my stomach began to twist. I tried to focus on how Little Freddy moved to Sophie's side, and Rigel planted himself at my feet.

It still didn't do anything to help when Zachary stepped into the parlor. He had two black eyes, deep purple bruising marring his face and a more solid crook to his nose, but aside from that he was well put together. He adjusted his suit jacket, "You didn't have to have me searched, you know."

"Well, after your father's behavior I thought we should be safe." Will snorted, "Won't you sit?"

Zachary lowered himself into a chair across from Sophie. "I'm not an idiot."

"Well you did think we kidnapped Sophie." I muttered, although I earned a glare from Mother for that. "Would you care for tea?"

"Hardly, a whiskey soda." He snapped, and at my nod a maid scurried off to go make it. The clock ticked on, the sound of the waves breaking outside keeping an irregular beat behind it. Zachary took a breath, "May I see him?"

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