Chapter 5: A Garden with Something Else. (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Cool isn't it?" Valandus smirked. "The Hero's Guard needs a quick way in and out of the city in emergencies. Plus it saves us a lot of time in general."

"I feel like I'm in way over my head," Kyle mumbled his eyes wide. They entered the tunnel and after a short drive reached a large garage of sorts, one that was lined with things he felt like he shouldn't be seeing. A full military operation. Weaponry being sorted into differing vehicles, personnel in full uniform going about their duties, crates of supplies being shifted from here to there and all the while with strict supervision. He gulped. Was this the life he was heading towards?

"Calm yourself Kyle," the Captain placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "We'll ease you in slowly. Your job will most likely involve something else entirely."

"I feel like I should have closed my eyes before."

"Probably." Valandus laughed evilly, "There's a few projects going on here that even the Council don't know about. Now you've seen our secrets you'll be stuck here forever."

Although Kyle could tell he was joking there was a disturbing realism to his words that clung tight. Even with his limited knowledge of machinery he could tell that the vehicles inside the garage weren't ordinary at all, some he didn't even know how they'd move.

The truck pulled into an enclosed private bay and at the Captains insistence they began to exit the vehicle. Away from the garage the space around them began to feel more pleasant as the cold metallic workshop was replaced by a calmer environment. The walls were sparsely decorated aside from the occasional weapon or suit of armour and overall it was actually somewhat of a mess with open boxes lying half sorted. With no one else inside the room, it felt incredibly quiet compared to what they had passed through before. Strangely enough however the space felt lived in.

"Welcome to our unit of the Hero's Guard," Bethial walked him and Lillia away from the truck as the other two began to unpack. "On paper we're the advanced scouting party. In truth, well you know what we are."

A door leading out and elsewhere opened. Several uniformed men and a woman came to greet them. The foremost, a lady with black hair standing straight, spoke, "Captain Bethial congratulations on another successful mission."

"Not as successful as we would have liked," the large man frowned meaningfully. Seeing his expression Kyle felt his heart weigh heavier and beside him Lillia was the same.

The secretary like women simply nodded, "Yes I heard and it would also seem you have bought an unwanted guest. We'll bring him in for testing and wipe his memory before returning him as usual." Kyle felt his body freeze and he unconsciously looked at the Captain betrayed. This wasn't what he said.

"No!" it was Lillia who stepped forward. "As current Hero I won't allow that. I believe Kyle would make a fine addition to the Hero's Guard."

A ghost of a frown crossed the lady's face, "With all due respect, we haven't even done a background check on him. Proper procedure dictates that-."

"Leave it Anna," the Captain cut her off. "We've already given up a lot these past few days. I'll vouch for the young man myself."

"As you wish," she replied unevenly. "In that case I leave his duty and care to you. Now Hero-," she checked her chart, "-Lillia, please follow me. We need to complete your medical procedures before you can return to the Garden."

Lillia hesitated shifting her eyes towards Kyle. The Captain gave her an understanding nod before she accepted and followed the lady out of the room. Several seconds passed before Kyle could feel himself breathe again.

"Am I okay?" he asked tentatively.

"You're okay." The Captain sighed, "Sorry for giving you a scare. Honestly it as she said, as a civilian we are to wipe your mind and return you, however," he patted his shoulder again, "neither you nor Lillia wanted that."

"Umm thank you?"

"Don't thank me. If I was truly compassionate I'd follow procedure." He turned around and called back, "Reina, Valandus, I'll leave things here to you. I'll be taking Kyle for inspection."

"Yes Captain" Reina nodded her head dutifully.

Valandus smirked and waved casually, "Have fun. Oh and Kyle I'm not sure where you'll be stationed but if we see each other let's get lunch sometime. I know quite a few good places in the city."

"I'd like that," Kyle smiled and waved his own goodbye. At least whatever happened he wasn't entirely alone.

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