We get outside and she stops at the entrance to the park. I watch as she plays with the strings on her backpack and shifts her weight between her feet. It's her normal awkward shuffling that I think is way too adorable.

"You have your acting class now right?" She checks and I nod.

"Yeah, then all day tomorrow." I confirm.

"Okay. I uh, I got the evening booked tomorrow for the music room if you still want to come." She offers and I frown at the thought of not seeing her until tomorrow.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome. Do you want to go get lunch though?" I ask and her eyes light up.

"Oh, yeah! I didn't know if you had time or not." She explains and I smile at her excitement.

"I'll always have time for you, Y/N. You're my best friend." I remind her and giggle when she looks surprised. She's adorable. I know she struggles with making friends and social cues so I simply take her hand and lead her over to a deli to get some sandwiches.

Y/N's anxiety is very similar to my own. I know she second guesses everything she does and doesn't want to assume something as truth unless it's explicitly stated. Like with our friendship. She asked if we are friends and even though it was unnecessary she needed that confirmation. She needs reassurance and I'm happy to give it to her.

I also second guess things but it's different for me. I second guess what I wear or how I act and how everyone else would see me. I don't like being in crowds and generally don't like interacting with people. I get awkward. Y/n doesn't seem to care about if other people are paying attention to her. She doesn't mind getting lost in crowds or care about what people are saying about her. I overthink about others, while she over thinks about herself. It's interesting how similar we are, but also different.

Once we get our sandwiches we find a free bench in the park to eat. It's nice. We don't have to say anything to have a nice lunch together. Eventually, we do have to go our separate ways since I have class. Y/N stands and takes our trash to a nearby bin before returning to stand in front of me.

"Have fun in class." She offers with a small smile.

"Have fun with homework." I tease and she huffs out an annoyed breath. I smile when she leans forward into a hug without hesitation, I'm always so proud when she initiates something without overthinking it.

She pulls away and plants a soft kiss on my cheek, offering a smile when she steps away. "See you later." She states softly.

"Yeah, I'll see you later, Y/N." I respond, my cheeks warm and my stomach full of butterflies. That's something she hasn't done before. It makes me happy that she feels comfortable with me. We both turn with a wave and head our separate ways.

My afternoon goes well and so does my evening, my thoughts full of Y/N and what to do. I want to try things out with her, but I don't want to push her or hurt her. I wouldn't forgive myself if I screwed things up.

Friday afternoon comes around quickly thankfully, so when I see Y/N outside of my studio waiting with a bag of food and a bouquet of flowers my heart soars. I break out into a run and crash into a hug once she notices I'm headed full speed towards her.

Her giggles fill my ears and I grin into her neck as she picks me up and twirls me around once. "I think I understand why Hannah thought we were together." she whispers into my hair.

I pull away once my feet hit the ground. "Wait what?" I ask and she shrugs.

"When we went to lunch, she asked how long we've been together." She shares.

"Oh." I state simply, thinking it over. Do other people think we are together? I look down at the food and flowers and how close our bodies still are in a tight hug. I slowly step back and look back to my classmates exiting the building. Did they see that?

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now