"Then get me out of here" Elijah begged.

Elijah raced forwards, his body slamming into another wall before he disappeared up the stairs. Elena and Avy ran after him, pausing in front of the front door where Elijah was crouching outside. He stood after a moment, running towards them, freezing as he realised he was unable to enter the threshold.

"What happened?" Elijah asked.

Avy raised a finger to his lips, pointing upstairs, notifying him of the Salvatore siblings' presence.

"We'll tell you, not here" Elena whispered "Can I trust you?"

"Can I trust you?" Elijah retorted.

Avy revealed the dagger from his pocket, handing it to Elijah as a sign of good faith.


Avy parked at the side of the road, turning to Elijah, the vampire finishing the last drop of blood form the blood bag that he'd been provided with.

"You look better" Avy noted.

"Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah ignored the compliment.

"We'll tell you everything, but we have to work together, Elijah" Elena answered "I need your word"

"Your ability to make demands has long passed" Elijah dismissed.

"No demands" Avy spoke "We're offering you our help, and in return, we want yours"

"And why should I even consider this?" Elijah questioned.

"The same reason that you haven't killed us" Elena replied "You need our help to kill Klaus, and we need you"

Elena's phone began to buzz in her pocket, the girl answering.

"Where are you?" Stefan asked "Are you okay? Is Artie there?"

"Yes, Artie's here, we're fine" Elena answered.

"Where's Elijah?" Stefan bombarded "Is he with you?"

"Yes, he's right here" Elena looked between then.

"Where?" Stefan said "I'm on my way"

"No, Stefan" Elena started "Elijah, Artie and I need some time alone"

"Listen to me, he can't be trusted" Stefan argued "Elijah will use you to get to Klaus"

"Elijah is a noble man, Stefan" Elena continued "He lives by a code of honour, we can trust him, he knows we'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again, by removing the dagger, we have proven ourselves"

"You can't to this alone" Stefan stated.

Avy sighed, taking the phone from her hand.

"This isn't your choice, Stefan, it's mine and Elena's, respect it" Avy began "Besides, I think Elena, Elijah and I have a lot to talk about, just make sure Damon doesn't do anything stupid and Elena and I will make it home alive"

BLESSED - CURSED • ELIJAH MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now