At the current moment, Azami was out of the building attending a photo shoot session. The two men were relaxing while the babies napped, one snoring away while the other browsed on his cell phone. After around 2 hours, Kame got up to feed and change the babies while Yoshiro, who had been browsing his phone the entire time got up to bring Misaki food and take her to the bathroom. 

His eyes check the monitor, finding her in the same position they left her in with her head hanging against her chest. The clock pointed to about noon, a few minutes earlier than they were supposed to bring the food, but Yoshiro was tired of sitting. He didn't agree to be hired as a babysitter.  It seemed a babysitter was all his job was to be. When Kame promised him work, this wasn't exactly what he had in mind. 

His footsteps precede him down the hallway, the tak tak sound echoing until he stops outside of Misaki's door. It creaks open, the heavy door smacking the wall as he strides in and pauses, setting the food on a table in front of Misaki. The woman before him neither moved nor looked up, breathing even. 

Assuming she was asleep, he reaches for the keys to unlock her chains, not seeing the woman before him move. 

In the split second that he looked down, Misaki's thighs were wrapped tightly around his throat, squeezing relentlessly as she clenches them tight, her body wrapping around his like a snake to cement the hold. A strangled sound comes from Yoshiro's mouth, his breathing cut off by Misaki's thighs. His beefy hands move up to her thighs, trying to pry her off of him.

Though tired and growing sore, Misaki wasn't able to give up. She locks her ankles around one another, further tightening the grip her thighs had on his neck. Yoshiro weakly tries to slam her against the wall, his heart beating quickly as he struggled against her iron grip of a hold. But Misaki didn't let go. 

She held on until the male dropped to his knees, wondering why Kame didn't show up to back him up. And the last thing he saw in the fading light as he passed out was Misaki's shapely thighs, the leggings she wore vibrant against the black rapidly spreading across his vision. 

When she was sure he was out, Misaki let go, grabbing the knife in his belt and heading for the door as quickly as her feet could carry her. After a second of thought, she comes back and claps the shackles on Yoshiro for good measure. It had taken her about a minute or so to successfully strangle him to sleep, and her body was sore, but she knew she needed to keep pressing on. She was just happy she had seen that wrestling move somewhere before. 

Her thighs had filled out while she was pregnant and now she was thankful, the new shape aiding her when she needed it, even if they were not as thin as before. Misaki headed through the rooms one after another, expecting someone to come out, somewhere. But nothing met her ears but silence. 

She searches, meeting many locked doors and then finding a flight of stairs. The stairs must have let up to the ground floor somewhere, but she still had not found her children, Azami, nor the red haired man who she had seen before. 

Knowing that Azami was a professional model, she figured that she was probably at work at this time. Kame on the other hand, he had to be here. Otherwise that would mean they left her practically unguarded. Did they underestimate her that much? Misaki should have felt insulted, but instead she felt grateful. More people to fight with was a less likely chance to get out of here.

Moving only at night was too predictable. She needed to figure out where she was. A subtle snick of footsteps had her attention, the steps too delicate to be the red head. Misaki hides, trying not to be too obvious as they slip by, walking for the monitor room with a stroller in hand.

It was no wonder why  she couldn't find them. They hadn't been here. But now both of the adults were back, and half of these locked rooms seemed to lead no where. Memorizing where the stairs were, Misaki ducks into another room, noting that there wasn't a camera in there. 

Not even a minute later, Azami was yelling, the alarm raised that Misaki was missing from her cell. Misaki now had less time and maneuverability to do what she needed to get out of there. Chills ran down her back, usually a sign that things were going to get hairy. She needed to get out of here. She could hear Kame in her cell, unlocking the cuffs for the man she had taken care of. Plan A was a failure. 

She was exhausted. 

If she didn't get out... Misaki wasn't going there.

The sound of feet pounding down the hallway alerted her that they were looking for her. Misaki races for the room she had seen Azami disappear to, grabbing the stroller and turning to leave when her back was slammed against a monitor.

The bald head of Yoshiro met her view, bruises forming around his neck as he sneered at the small woman before him.

"Found you, troublesome bitch," he grins, his yellowed teeth flashing in the lights. He presses her harder against the monitor bench, making Misaki let out a gasp of pain. But then she remembers the knife in her hand and plunges it deep into his thigh, the blade slicing through flesh sickeningly easy. 

The resounding scream was enough to wake the dead, both babies waking in a startled series of cries. Screw it. Plans were out the window, now it was time to improvise. She yanks the blade back out, pointing it at the man in front of her at the same time that a door nearby seems to explode off it's hinges, the sound rattling the monitors beside her. 

Misaki grabs the stroller and pushes it out the door, not having time to individually scoop up each baby and run for safety. She could hear the yells of Kame and Azami behind her along with many footsteps chasing her. A hand ended up in her hair, yanking her head back. But Misaki closes her eyes and moves the knife up, severing the hair on her head from her captor's hold.

Yoshiro pants in front of her when she turns around, a gun pointed at Misaki as she walks backwards to put distance between the two of them, fear in her eyes. Figures in the distance seem to blur as he pulls the trigger back.

Flashes of the past and her imagined future meet her eyes.

Atsumu would never know how much she loved him. 

The twins would never know their mother.

She would die here.

But as she squeezes her eyes shut and the gun goes off, she feels no pain. No white-hot wetness.

Misaki opens her eyes to see a long haired figure crumple to the floor in front of her, the outspread arms falling to her sides. Gunshots go off, Yoshiro falling to the floor as Misaki's ears ring, staring down at the face that saved her.

Blood spills, pooling around the long brunette hair that now stained with red as Azami's lips tremble, opening to say the words she wished someone had said to her.

"Go... Go have a better... future," she  breathes, blood spilling from her mouth as she fades, eyes glazing over. 

Though Misaki hated her, she tears up, hands covering her mouth as she steps forward blindly... Right into the arms of Atsumu.

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