2.2 | Control Is Overrated

Start from the beginning

Jasper smirked as Anna's cheeks flushed red, her heart began racing and he knew by the sudden surprise that the thought crossed her mind. The Cullens had been doing their research about Anna's sudden abilities and they had learnt that they began after her last visit in Forks ─ Carlisle assumed that was when the bond between Jasper and Anna began. They weren't certain about why Anna had these abilities or why Alice couldn't see anything about Anna's future except for her taking her final breath on a white patch of snow.

"You look handsome," Annabeth complimented her Southern lover, the vampire smirked before taking her hand and pulling her closer to him. "Happy birthday, my love," Jasper whispered to her before leaning forward, though with Charlie watching, he rested his lips delicately on her cheek rather than her lips. The couple said their farewell to Charlie before making their way out to the car, Anna smiled widely as he opened the car door for her.

Soon enough, the soulbound couple had reached the Cullen household after Bella and Edward had arrived. The moment the blonde entered the foyer, Rosalie had pulled her into a tight embrace causing the Swan girl to laugh quietly. "I've missed you too, Rose," Anna told her as she hugged her back. Rosalie and Emmett had graduated the year prior, she and Emmett had left Forks for a holiday.

"Happy birthday, Beth," Rosalie replied as she pulled back and held out a small bag for her, a wide smile on her face. "You didn't have too," Anna replied as she opened the bag, she hadn't noticed Bella watching in envy or the slight glare on Edwards face at the fact that Rosalie held no dislike towards the blonde twin. "Oh wow!" Anna exclaimed as she pulled out a keyring with a mini diamond Eiffel Tower.

"I know you wanna see the tower in person one day but for now, we thought you'd appreciate that, Anna Banana," Emmett told her as he wrapped his arm around Rosalie. "I love it. Thank you," Annabeth hugged the immortal couple with a teary smile. "Nice dress choice," Colton teased as he and Alice stepped forward. "I thought the red would fit your aesthetic," Anna teased back with a smirk as Jasper placed his arm around Anna's waist.

"Show me the love," Alice told Anna and Jasper, the two looked at each other with smiles on their faces as Alice snapped a photo of them. "Absolutely stunning!" Alice cheered as she stepped to the side letting Carlisle and Esme step forward. "Happy birthday, Annabeth," Esme said as she hugged the younger girl, the blonde melted happily in the motherly embrace. "Thank you, Esme," Anna replied before smiling at Carlisle as he held out an envelope.

"You and Bella share a gift," Carlisle informed her, the blonde smiled at her sister and motioned for the older Swan twin to open it. "Something to brighten your day," Carlisle added as he looked at the twins. "You've both been looking a little pale," Esme added with a tone that suggested she was hinting at the gift. Anna watched as Bella tried to open the envelope but like time moved in slow motion, Bella cut her finger open causing blood to drip.

Annabeth turned her head to Jasper whose eyes were black and focused on the blood on Bella's finger. Anna grabbed Jasper's face and slammed her lips to his, the action blinded Jasper's senses allowing him to focus on the blonde. However, Colton made a move for Bella causing Edward to shove Bella back into a glass vase only making it all worse than it was. Anna's eyes lit up a vibrant blue as she focused on her love rather than her sister.

"Jas..." Anna whispered against his lips as Emmett, Alice and Rosalie dragged Colton out of the room. "Darlin'..." Jasper whispered back as he fought the urge, he was trying so hard to focus on Anna and not the blood as Carlisle took Bella into another room to stitch her up. "Let's take a walk," Anna told him, the vampire nodded before wrapping his arms around her and rushing out of the house into the woods.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

*Mature Content*

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