daddy issues

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"We don't know where he went" Elena sighed "He just blew in, announced to Jenna that he's my dad, and then took off"

"That's public knowledge now?" Damon asked.

"Apparently" Avy sighed.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked.

"Yeah" Elena sighed after a moment "Jenna's head spinning, but we're okay"

"He say what he was doing here?" Damon wondered.

"No" Elena replied "You know, Stefan thinks that he's telling the truth about wanting to help us"

"Do you believe him?" Damon asked.

"No" Avy scoffed "I don't believe him for a second, that guy has been a dick to me since the moment I was born, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him"

"Me neither" Damon said.

"What are we gonna do?" Elena asked.

"Kill him" Damon smirked, turning to leave.

"Damon..." Avy warned with a small smile.

"I'm joking" Damon smiled "Okay, I'm a little serious"

"Damon!" Elena scolded.

"I'm not gonna hurt him, Elena"Damon retorted "I'm the good guy now, remember?"

"What does that mean?" Avy smirked.

"I'm gonna have a civil conversation with Elena's father" Damon grinned.

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" Elena called.


Avy leaned against the blonde's car, smiling as she spoke.

"I can't believe John would do that" Caroline shook her head, the girl pausing with a smile as her boyfriend approached "I also can't believe that we haven't hung out in so long"

"I guess that's what happens when you become a human sacrifice, you drift away from your friends" Avy joked, wrapping his arm around Caroline's arms.

"Well, this is your best friend putting an end to it" Caroline stated "No more drifting"

"Hey! Hey!" Matt called.

"Hey" Caroline grinned.

"I haven't seen you" Matt began.

"I'm not avoiding you, I swear" Caroline started.

"Yeah, you're avoiding me a little" Matt

"Okay, maybe a little" Caroline admitted.

"Can we talk later?" Matt asked "I mean, I'm heading to work right now, but maybe after, to clear some of this weirdness"

"Yeah, yeah, I'd really like that" Caroline smiled brightly "I'll swing by when you're closing?"

"Sounds good" Matt agreed.

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