The Corruption Arc Finale

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Alright it is time for the finale.

We start with Loremaster with her now corrupted army. Everyone around the world had been affected by it. Unfortunately for Kris,The Scientist Supreme,Rigby,Mordecai, and Past Scribble. Scribble.EXE was done playing nice and decided to attack them straight forward. Past Scribble was able to escape in his Jetray form. Unfortunately for the rest their were about to become corrupted. Mordecai: this. Mordecai said weakly. Scribble.EXE: Oh yeah how do expect to beat me. Mordecai was about to tapped into his super form but a bunch of puppet strings latched on to him. Mordecai: What the?! Loremaster appeared to the one controlling the strings. Loremaster: Well you are really useful Scribble.EXE. Although you let one of them escape. Scribble.EXE: Sorry boss I got distracted. I will find him though. Loremaster: You better.

Scribble.EXE: Oh don't look like that Mordecai. I tell you want if you win this rap battle. You can go free promise. Scribble.EXE was obviously lying. Although either way winning was in vain.

Here are video representations of what happened.

Mordecai in the end eventually gave in to the corruption. We are now left with Scribble and Prototype on top of the large hill. With a very dark sky above. Scribble: I thought for sure he will be here. Where is he? Scribble.EXE: Hey there boys I see you have past the challenges. Scribble: Uh there weren't really any challenges expect for one. What have you been doing? Scribble.EXE: Okay I was getting bored with this so.... I have attacked your pathetic friends but one of them escaped. Although I am pretty sure he would really like to see you. Scribble.EXE then presented a huge red bubble that contained 10 year old past Scribble. Scribble: What are you planning to do with him!? Scribble.EXE: Nothing malicious I just want him to witness his favorite hero getting a brutal beat down. Then all of a sudden time stopped. Scribble.EXE: What the what is happening! ???: You know your fighting style is quite average. Scribble.EXE: Who said that! ???: I did. Then a tall male figure with scribbles over his body. You know what I am not gonna even describe him. Just imagine

This guy's body and head shape.

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