The Corruption Arc Part 3

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Scribble along with Prototype walking along the large island. Scribble:When is this challenge is gonna actually start? Scribble then started to feel hungry. Prototype:Oh is someone getting hungry. Maybe they want to commit gluttony. Scribble: Don't even think about it. Then Scribble heard a pig. Scribble:Uhhh what is an actual feral pig doing here in this reality. Feral pigs only exist in the superhuman reality. Prototype: He must have created that pig just for you to eat. WHOLE! Scribble: Wow bro how is me eating a pig corrupt?  

Prototype: Maybe this Pig has a family that just hate him. Maybe he is out here just to prove his selfworth to his family. Portotype's voice began to grow lower. Prototype:Maybe he feels like a failure to his family. Scribble: Are you projecting on to this pig? Scribble said in a worried tone. Prototype: No! Either way if you eat this pig. You will ruin his chances to make something out of himself. Scribble: I am not gonna feel bad for eating a pig I barley know about. Scribble.EXE was watching them from a far. Scribble.EXE:This challenge is a train wreck! I am gonna need to raise the steaks. Without pushing it. I got it! Scribble.EXE then induced extreme hunger into Scribble and the pig disappeared.

Prototype: Oops looks like the pig disappeared. Your feeling very hungry right Well how about some ribs. Scribble feeling intense hunger well accept anything now. Scribble:Fine I will take ribs. Prototype began to laugh. Prototype:You have no idea what you just agreed to. Scribble.EXE then summoned Kris into the island. Kris being confused looked around and saw Scribble but covered in a red symbiote. Scribble: Why is Kris here? Prototype: Isn't it obvious? He is here so you can eat his rib cage. The corruption then started to affect Scribble's head. Scribble:No I must resist. Ugh I can't fight this! Kris run! 

Kris: Due to your physical condition being weaker then mine. I won't have no problem with that. Kris then started to run extremely fast but thanks to the symbiote Scribble's condition was enhanced even further matching Kris in speed. Kris:What the heck! Scribble then tackled him with the Symbiote on Scribble almost corrupting him. Kris:Come on man! You have to fight this! Scribble was really trying and then he came up with an idea. Scribble rose his own arm and then bit into it. Prototype:Owwww! I made those teeth too sharp. Prototype then retracted back into Scribble. Kris then disappeared back into the lab. Mordecai:Whoa bro what happened to you? You look terrified. Kris:You don't want to know. 

Scribble.EXE: You have got to be kidding me! Damn you censorship I would have made the challenge harder if it wasn't for you! Scribble.EXE's phone then started ringing. Scribble.EXE: This better not be Loremaster! Then he saw the phone and it was a call from Shredder (My OC) Scribble.EXE: Oh crap I forgot about our date! He then answered the phone with a very nervous tone. Scribble.EXE: Hey Shreddery how are you doing? Shredder: You forgot didn't you? Scribble.EXE: Yes I did but I can easily duplicate myself and teleport it straight to where you are. Once I merge back with it I will have all of it's memories. Shredder: It better be here quick. Scribble.EXE then duplicated himself and teleport his copy away. Scribble.EXE: That guy is the greatest boyfriend I will ever get. (Yes Scribble.EXE and Shredder (My OC) are dating.)

We then cut back to Scribble and Prototype. Scribble: Okay so now what? Prototype: Well I mean I can try other things to corrupt you. Scribble: Wait a minute now. About the thing you said earlier. Do you really feel that way about yourself? Is that how everyone back at home treated you? Prototype: If you're really that curious. I don't feel comfortable sharing everything but lets just say everyone viewed me as a f***king joke! Like I am useless. Scribble:Well then why are you helping them? If they treat you so badly why do you feel like you need to impress them? Prototype:I don't know why either. Scribble: How about you join the good guys and try to help me win the challenge by using your powers. Prototype: I could but I will warn you the more you use me. The more control I will have over you. Although the change can be reversible. Scribble:Heh that will make your upcoming betrayal to your father seem far more hidden. Prototype: Don't call him my dad. He doesn't deserve that title. 

Alright that is the end of part 3 what do you think?

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