The Corruption Arc Part 1

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Our story begins with Mordecai and Rigby talking to the Scientist Supreme about what happened. Scientist Supreme: So you guys need me to undo the effects of this corruption? Rigby: Yeah or else this corruption will take over. Scientist Supreme: Well let's get started. I will just need a sample of this corruption so I can study it. Mordecai: Oh dang we don't even have one! Right: Maybe we can risk it and try to get a sample from a affected person. ???:No dude that is too risky!

Mordecai: Who said that? ???:I did! All three of them looked around the lab wondering where it came from. Scientist Supreme: Where are you we still do not see you? ????:In this crate. They all looked inside and saw past Scribble. Mordecai: Past Scribble what are you doing here! Past Scribble: Look I secretly snuck into one of the transportation crates to see my older self. He left the Force without saying goodbye to me! He was the closest thing to an older brother I have ever had.

Mordecai and Rigby: Hey! Past Scribble: You two are more like the fun cousins. Mordecai and Rigby: Oh. Scientist Supreme: Wow uh how old are you Past Scribble and what is that device on your arm. Past Scribble: I am 10 years old and this is the Omnitrix. I know it is like Ben 10. Scientist Supreme: Well um how do you suggest we study this corruption? Past Scribble: I was able to get a sample from one of the affected. Past Scribble then pull out a vial with the corruption in it. Past Scribble: Now can we study this thing so we can get this over with. Scientist Supreme: We will get right to it. Kris:There you are! Past Scribble: Ah! How did you find me! Kris: I just tracked your Omnitrix. What are you doing here? Past Scribble: I just came here to see me future self again. I miss him.

We the cut to Scribble waiting for the first round to begin. Then Scribble.EXE telepathically tell him. Scribble.EXE: Alright you see that old abandoned house over there.

Step inside this abandoned old house untouched for 40 yearsLOVEPROPERTY.COM

Scribble.EXE: You are gonna step into that house and try to survive for one hour. There won't be any danger. Promise. Scribble knows he is lying but he went with it. Scribble.EXE saw his plaything go into the house then he summoned corrupted beings to go ahead and attack Scribble.

Scribble: I knew that bastard was lying. Well time for me to create a weapon. Scribble then created a sword to defend himself. Then the corrupted beings that looked like pitch black humanoids burst through the door. Scribble: Time to cut these guys down to size. Scribble began to levitate then flew through 10 corrupted beings and cutting their guts open without being touched. More monsters came through and Scribble began to use his reality warping powers to turn them into plushies and then set them on fire.

Scribble.EXE: This guy is fighting through all of my creations without breaking a sweat. Time for something bigger. Scribble.EXE then started to create something that will be hard to defeat in one hit.

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Scribble: You have to be kidding me! A four legged giant abomination came into existence. Scribble.EXE: Try to beat this monster! Scribble switched up his weaponry to giant laser gun and shoot at it but it quickly dodged it. Then the Monster used it's elemental fire claws to strike at Scribble and was able to hit him causing major damaged to him. Scribble.EXE: Ha! Ha! Ha! This is the first round and your already gonna lose! Scribble then noticed something out of the ordinary. There is this red spot on his chest.

Scribble: Looks like that could be a weak spot. Scribble then quickly got under that monster and hit it really hard causing it to internally bleed. Making the monster grew weak. Then he hit it again causing said monster to fall over and die. The hour was over and Scribble had survived the first round. Scribble.EXE: You have got to be f**cuking kidding me! How did you find that weakspot it was so small?! Scribble: I have great vision and besides why did you give that thing a weakspot? Scribble.EXE: Who would make a minion without weaknesses?! Anyways the next challenge will be. Scribble.EXE then got distracted by his cell phone. It was a call from Loremaster. Scribble.EXE: Ugh! Hold on I need to talk with Loremaster.

Scribble.EXE: Hey Loremaster what do you need? Loremaster: Why is Scribble the only one not corrupted yet? Scribble.EXE: He escaped and I am trying to look for him. Loremaster: Well you better try harder or else. Scribble.EXE then started to tremble in fear. Scribble.EXE: I will Loremaster. I will. Loremaster: I thought for sure we agreed on you calling me mistress. Scribble.EXE: Right we did agreed on that. Bye mistress. Scribble was confused as to why this version of himself was scared of her. Scribble.EXE: Alright time for the next challenge.

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