Multiverse Protection Force Part 1

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Our story begins with two versions of Scribble who are codenamed Mordecai and Rigby. Mordecai and Rigby were traveling to a certain area to capture and contained a powerful dragon that can alter reality itself. The dragon in question is a very peaceful being and means no harm. But the organization was aware that a certain being from hell was looking forward to mind control and exploit the dragon's power for his empress goals.

Mordecai and Rigby reach their destination and found the dragon in the forest. The dragon was scared to see them. "Don't worry were not gonna hurt you. We are trying to take you to a safe place" said Mordecai. The dragon saw Mordecai and Rigby in some form of superhero costumes. "My name is Mordecai and this is Rigby" said Mordecai. "Sup" said Rigby. "We just want you to come with us inside our ship and we will take you there" said Mordecai. But right before the dragon went in. A being with a metal armor that look similar to the Shredder's armor came into the scene with a demon army right behind him.

"What are you doing with my empress's dragon" the being said in a loud voice. Rigby says "Trying to keep her away from you freak!" Mordecai said "Get the dragon into the ship I will hold him off." Mordecai immediately used use chi to make an energy blast to fight the being and his army.

"Who are you anyway" Mordecai said to the being in armor. The being said "You guys can call me the Shredder." "Mordecai I got her in the ship let's go" Rigby Shouted. "What no" Shredder yelled. Mordecai was about to get in the ship but the Shredder shot him in the back. Which made him fall Shredder then picked up Mordecai then pointed his weapon towards him and said Give me the dragon now." But Rigby had other plans he shot Shredder with a weapon which pierced his armor. Making the Shredder scream in pain making him dropping Mordecai.

Rigby then picked up Mordecai and took him to the ship. Then they were transported into the Multiverse Protection Force headquarters. They then with help from the other staff was able to get the dragon into a safe place.

We cut back to Shredder laying in the ground in pain. He was then let up by his brother who is half angel half demon hybrid. His name was Mammon and he said "The empress is not gonna be happy about this Scribble." "I know this the first mission I ever failed shame on me for not using my full power" said Shredder "Don't worry you will get them next time little brother" said Mammon.

So yeah that's the end of that story and before anyone ask yes there are multiple evil versions of Scribble.

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