Multiverse Protection Force Part 3

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Our story begins with Shredder just sitting in his room still feeling intense anger for failing his mission. His mother the empress did not like his failure so she punished him. Mammon felt bad for him but he couldn't do nothing about it. Shredder wanted to get revenge on the Multiverse Protection Force for making him fail his mission.

His very first target was another version of himself from another reality. The good version of himself who was about to leave school. Since school was over for the day. Shredder created an ability that allowed him to travel between realities. Once he traveled there he find Scribble walking alone back to his house.

Shredder then use his illusion powers to trick Scribble to go to a certain place in private. Scribble then saw what appears to be his sister Mary but he was unaware of the illusion. Scribble went to an dark alleyway where his older sister was. Then Shredder turned off the illusion and appeared right behind Scribble. He created a wall behind him to prevent anyone from seeing and to prevent Scribble from escaping. Shredder then attacked Scribble with his ki blast. Scribble immediately doged it and use his own powers to attack Shredder using psychic constructs which is sword. He was able to hit Shredder.

Scribble then ask "Who are you and what do you want from me" "You can call me the Shredder and all I want to do is end your life!" Said Shredder Scribble was not gonna let him do that so he used his telekinesis to slam Shredder around the area. Scribble then proceeded to slam Shredder down into the ground hard but Shredder got up without a scratch. Shredder laugh then said "You really thought that would hurt. Let me show you true pain." Shredder then proceeded to use his own telekinesis to break Scribble's arm then he immobilized him.

Just as Shredder was about to use his sword made of ki to kill Scribble. A big lighting blot came out of nowhere hit Shredder. Causing major damage to him. Shredder looked up annoyed by who do that. It was Kris the superhuman with elemental powers and can manipulate all kinds of weather. Kris then proceeded to use his fire powers to brun Shredder but Shredder was too quick.

Shredder then proceeded to use his ki to knock Kris back then he immobilized Kris with his telekinesis. Just as he was about to go back to Scribble. Scribble was gone he looked up and saw Scribble right above him floating. "Anyone who messes with my friends will pay for it." Said Scribble Scribble then transported Shredder into his personal reality then proceeded to use his reality warping powers to heavily damage Shredder breaking his armor as well. Scribble was surprised that Shredder was another version of himself but he was evil.

So Scribble then proceeded to brutalized Shredder by making powerful energy attacks and hitting him with it. He then transported Shredder back into his reality. When Shredder was transported back into his room he created two new abilities for himself which is creation and regenration so he can heal himself. He then created a copy of his armor. "Shredder then thought to himself "I already got rid the Resistance now it is up to me to get rid of that organization and I know how to do it." Shredder then smiled sinisterly as he was about to put his plan to motion

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