The Assassins Arc Finale

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Our story begins with Mr.S giving all of the 50 fighter bots he had to Shredder. Mr.S: Alright here is all the fighter bots I made for you. Now I must be on my way. Right before Mr.S can leave Shredder's lair Bear and Wolf block the exit. Mr.S: Uhhh is there anything else you guys need. Shredder: I decided to make you a personal laboratory in my liar. I did this because I want you to always provide us with more advance technology. Speaking of which can these fighter bots of yours track people down. Mr.S: Well they are fighter bots but I did install a tracking system so they can track their targets. Wolf: Good so we can track our target right away.

We then cut to the main heroic trio together at the community center helping out the community. Scribble: I can't believe we with went from the guardians of the multiverse itself. To beings who just help set up festivals. Rigby: Come on man festivals are fun and besides this festivals is very important to our mayor. Mordecai: Wow Scribble I have never heard you talk so badly about something. Scribble: I am just bored you guys. I haven't fight anything evil for a while now. Rigby: Yeah things have been pretty boring.

Then out of nowhere a robot appeared from the sky. To give you a idea what the robots look like.

Fantasy Robot by Blendenstine on DeviantArt@DEVIANTART

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Fantasy Robot by Blendenstine on DeviantArt@DEVIANTART

Mary: What in the world! What kind of robot is that. Fighter Bot: Target detected eliminate Scribble. Scribble's Mom: Scribble that robot is after you. Why? Scribble: I have no idea. Scribble use his telepathy to speak to Mordecai and Rigby. Scribble: No doubt in my mind that Shredder is behind this lets get a move on. All of the people at the festival immediately ran to safety including the main trio.

Scribble's Mom: Alright Scribble,Mordecai, and Rigby stay here for safety and don't leave until it is completely safe. Scribble: Alright mom we will. Scribble's Mom then left somewhere else to hide since their hiding spot didn't had enough room. Rigby: We are not gonna stay in here are we. Scribble: Nope I do have a plan though. We can be our own superheroes and I have already made our new costumes. Scribble show it to them and they were amazed. Mordecai: Dude these suits are amazing when did you make these. Scribble: When I broke my limiter I am still a reality warper on a low scale but I am able to create things. Which reminds me I can create duplicates of ourselves to take our place.

Scribble created the duplicates and then the trio put on their costumes along with their mask to hide their face. Then they sprung into action and became face to face to a ton of fighter bots. Scribble: Rigby you still got those weapons. Rigby: Yeah I do here. Rigby gave Scribble a advance sword. While Rigby gave himself a powerful laser gun. Mordecai: Don't need a weapon I got these hands. Mordecai immediately flew then destroy a fighter bot in one punch. The fighter bots immediately try to adapt to Mordecai's fighting style but he was too fast until one fighter stop him by grabbing his arm. Then immediately throw him into one of the stands at the festival.

Mordecai: Don't worry guys I am okay obviously. Not even a scratch. Scribble: Of course you are. Scribble then use his telekinesis to pick up multiple fighter robots then crush them all together with brute force. Then mold them into the shape of a metal ball and then launch it into the sun. Rigby: Wow I didn't even get a chance to shoot at any robots. Scribble: Well um you can shoot at them. Wolf and Bear appeared at of the smoke with very advance weaponry. Bear having a faint techno hammer in his hand. While Wolf held a large laser gun in her arms. Rigby: Where did they get those weapons? Bear: None of your business. Bear then use his hammer to to create an electric shock wave that nearly hit them hadn't Scribble teleported them to higher ground.

The main trio immediately try to knock out both Bear and Wolf. Mordecai is fighting Bear with his strength trying to break his hammer but Bear seems to be able to react very quickly. Wolf was trying to hit Scribble and Rigby with her laser shot gun but there were able to react to it very quickly. Unfortunately for Mordecai Bear was able to hit him very hard with his hammer. Knocking him out cold. Scribble: Mordecai! Scribble then use his telekinesis to disarm Bear. Literally by breaking both of his arms and hands making Bear scream in agony. Wolf: You are gonna pay for what you did to my friend! Wolf then use her jetpack to fly into the air then switch the mode on her gun to instant kill mode. While she began to act more feral as she is now shooting at random. Trying to hit Scribble. Scribble immediately was struggling to dodge the lasers. Knowing that if he is hit he is dead. Rigby try to shot Wolf with his laser gun but she was too quick. Then Wolf turned around and immediately aimed at Rigby. She then pulled her triggered and try to shot at Rigby.

Mordecai was beginning to recover then he saw his friend about to be shot. Mordecai then used his supernatural speed to jump into action. To get his friend out of the way. Once Mordecai saved him he turned to Wolf with pure anger in his face. Then something strange was happening to Mordecai.

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Some form of gold aura was surrounding him and then he transformed into a super state. Wolf face of anger turn into face of fear. Mordecai immediately grabbed both Wolf and Bear by their necks then said "Take a flight!" Then he throws both Wolf and Bear into the sky. (Don't worry they are not dead.) Mordecai: Are you guys okay? Scribble and Rigby: Yeah we are fine. Scribble: Woah Mordecai are you feeling okay you look like you are about to pass out. Mordecai then fell down to the ground from exhaustion. Rigby: Come on we better get back to our hiding spot. Mary then saw the three superheros leave. "New superheros in town. Now that is new." Mary thought.

After the event everyone went home and the Festival was moved to tomorrow. The main trio are now planning on how to be teenage heros in secret as well as learn more about Mordecai's transformation.

We then cut to Wolf and Bear in full body cast in the laboratory Shredder has built. Shredder: Well it looks you two will be out of service for a while. No matter I am gonna head back home. There is matters I must take care of back at home. Mr.S take good care of my two assassins while I am gone. Mr.S: I will boss.

We then cut to Shredder talking to Mammon about what he was trying to do. Mammon: You have been trying to kill one of the employees of that organization. Why? Shredder: Because he is the heart of The Multiverse Protection Force. If I kill the heart of the team. The organization will fall apart. Mammon: Or you can convince him to join our side. Shredder: Ha like he will ever join us and besides I don't want him to experience the horror here. You know murder is not the only horrible thing the Crimson Vanguard had done. Mammon: True but maybe you can find a way to mind control him and force him to destroy the organization or reveal all of their secrets. Shredder: Your right my brother time for me to switch gears. I will simply hire a bounty hunter to capture him and bring him to me. So I can brainwash him. Mammon: That's the spirit.

Okay so that was the end of the Assassins arc what do you guys think.

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