The Assassins Arc Prologue

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Our Prologue begins with the main trio Mordecai Rigby, and Scribble fighting a powerful alien. Mordecai: Scribble now attack it! Scribble used his reality warping powers to create a gaster blaster that killed the alien in one hit. Rigby: Another job well done guys. Scribble: Yeah it is. Do you guys hear something? Then the dimension where the main trio began to collapse. Scribble immediately created a force field that protected them. The dimension exploded and then they were transported to Scribble's home universe. Right in front of his house.

They all look badly hurt but they were able to stand up fine. Mary: Oh my are you guys okay what happened? Scribble: Some idiot left a bomb lying around in the forest but we're okay just a couple of burn marks. Scribble's mom immediately healed all three of them. Scribble's Mom: So these are your friends that you were talking about. Well it so nice to meet you. Mordecai and Rigby: Thank you nice to meet you too sorry for this very shocking meeting. Scribble's Mom: Oh um don't worry stuff like this weirdly happens almost every day.

Mordecai hear his phone ringing. It was the organization calling them. Mordecai ignored the call. Mary:Who was calling you? Mordecai: Oh just a scam caller. Scribble's Mom: You know I always thought Scribble was his only remaining of his species but it turns out there is more of him. Scribble: Hey mom since it is winter break can my friends stay over? Scribble's Mom: Sure they can make themselves at home. Just let their parents now. Scribble: I will mom. Mary and Scribble's mom left back to the house.

Scribble: Well looks like the organization is looking for us. Mordecai saw a message on his phone that says "We need to talk." The trio immediately used there devices to go the airship. There boss cut to the chase and told they were temporarily fired. The main trio were shocked as to why. Scribble: You are firing us why? Boss: Only temporarily until you guys reach adulthood. Things are getting way to dangerous for you. Scribble you almost die from one of our enemies.

Boss: Scribble your reality warping powers have to remain secret so we are gonna have to dampen the power. It will only be unleashed when your going up against a powerful opponent. Your psychic powers will be available to you at all times though. Mordecai and Rigby you will live in Scribble's universe and you can still be his friend. Now hand over your devices please. The trio hand over there transportation devices. Then left in the transportation pods.

We then cut to Shredder (My OC) settling in Wolf and Bear in his secret hideout. Shredder: You two will stay here and kill any one I want. You will also get paid weekly now here's who I want you guys to kill first. Wolf: Wow he almost looks like you we can probably kill him with no problem. Shredder: I won't blame you for failing on the first try but do your best. Bear: We will Shredder especially if you taught us more powerful skills.

So that's the prologue I made Scribble weaker because I don't want him to break the story. Wolf and Bear will be the main antagonist of this arc.

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