The Corruption Arc Prologue

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Alright time to start this Arc. Which I hope I can make it last longer then the last one.

This prologue begins with all the high schoolers at pokemon high school. At the high school dance dancing on the dance floor. With the main trio discussing their future as secret superheroes.

Rigby: So basically we are gonna be quote on quote hanging out while we just be patrolling the city at night. Scribble: Yeah going out at night is the best option to not bring attention to ourselves. Mordecai: Seems pretty solid. We just have to make sure no one follows us. Scribble: We will just stay in the shadows anyways. Unless we have to step out of it.

Just when things were going normally. All of a sudden a loud explosion was heard but nothing was broken. Until everyone saw a being that looked almost like Scribble but he had blood shot eyes. Scribble.EXE: Well hello there follow high schoolers. As well as the adults watching over them. I am here to affect you all with a dangerous virus but don't worry it won't kill you. Mary: What will it do? Scribble.EXE: It will corrupt you and turn you into the worst versions of yourselves. Becoming an evil being. With the help of my current boss Loremaster. She is not available right now but I will take care of you. Let the corruption begin.

Scribble.EXE then corrupted a female anthro Umbreon. Once she was fully affected she then corrupted someone else with just a touch and it began to spread. Scribble: Guys we have to get out of here quickly! Rigby: Yeah no kidding lets go! The main trio immediately try to run out of the exit but Scribble.EXE was able to turn off the lights preventing them from seeing. Scribble: Guys where are you! Mary: I am over here Scribble. Just come closer to me. Scribble was hesitant to get close to Mary. Fearing that it might be a trick. Until he was teleported to a strange dimension. It was Scribble.EXE's dimension. Scribble.EXE: You your just as powerful as me. It has been a while since I played a game with someone. So here is what I am gonna do. We are gonna make a deal. If you are somehow able to find me while also surviving all of this madness. Then fight me to the knock out. You will be allowed to restore everything back to normal.

Scribble.EXE: But if you do get corrupted or I ended up winning the fight. The entire multiverse will be corrupted but you are always welcome to try again. Just don't expect it to be easy. Do you accept. Scribble: Well I have no other choice. I will accept. Scribble.EXE: Ha! Ha! Ha! This will be fun! I will send you to the other side of the world with a medium level of your powers. Your full power will be unleashed when you find me. Oh and one more thing break the rules and there will be a major price to pay.

Scribble was then teleported to a forest. Then Scribble.EXE telepathically told him. "The first round will start in 30 minutes get ready."

Mordecai and Rigby was able to escape from the high school. Mordecai: I can't believe we even make it through all of that craziness. Rigby: Yeah that is very luck of us but Loremaster is also behind all of this. What are we gonna do about her not to mention Scribble.EXE. We need someone who can outthink her. Mordecai: I got an idea. I know a person who can help us. Rigby: Who is it? Mordecai: The Scientist Supreme. If their is anyone who can outthink her it is him. He can also probably make a cure for all of this. Rigby: Your right but how are we gonna reach him. Mordecai: I have my ways hold on. Rigby hold on the Mordecai until there were teleported to a laboratory. Rigby: What the.... I mean I knew you could teleport but he was here. Mordecai: Yeah he has been here studying the pokemon but we need to ask for his help.

There you go that is the end of the prologue. What do you guys think?

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