Multiverse Protection Part 2

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Our story begins with two superhumans named Carol and Kris. Carol and Kris were on a stake out for a dangerous Kitsune that was killing random people around a certain area. Their job was to kill it and make sure it is dead. The Kitsune has great magical abilities as well as immortality.

Carol and Kris were wearing stealth suits with night vision goggles on. They were on a rooftop So they won't be detected and they can see in the dark. Kris asked "When is the Kitsune supposed to show up?" "The Kitsune should be here soon Kris." Said Carol. Just then the Kitsune showed up right on cue. Kris started to activate his elemental powers to attack the Kitsune but the Kitsune immediately notice then dodge it.

The Kitsune started to teleport then use her magic to attack the two superhumans. Kris and Carol immediately dodge her attack. Carol used her telekinesis to launch a random trash can at the Kitsune but she dodged it. Only for Kris to immediately used his lightning powers to immediately shock the Kitsune dealing a lot of damage to her. Carol then use a special technology that negated all of the Kitsune's powers including her immortality.

Kris then said "Alright time to finish this." Carol then use her telekinesis to keep the Kitsune at bay. Then Kris use his ice powers to completely freeze the Kitsune inside and out. Then Carol use her telekinesis to destroy the ice killing the Kitsune in the process. "Alright the job is done let's get back to headquarters" said Carol Then they activate their devices and went to headquarters.

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