The Assassins Arc Part 1

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Our story begins with Mordecai,Rigby, and Scribble at a drive thru ordering their food. Mordecai is driving the car and they have gotten their food. Mordecai: Well we got our lunch now what do we do? Scribble: We can just relax at the park or somewhere else. Rigby: Maybe we could go to the amusement park today and get on some rides. Scribble: Do we have the money to go there though? I don't have my powers to create the money.

Mordecai: Don't worry I have been saving up money we can go there. Scribble: Alright lets go. They all have drove off to the amusement park. Unfortunately for them Wolf and Bear were watching them. Wolf: Alright Bear if things go south for me you will be plan B. Bear: As always I be the heavy hitter and you are very quick and agile. Wolf: I am also very skilled. Now lets follow them. Wolf and Bear then follow Mordecai's car in secret.

When the main trio finally arrived at the amusement park and payed for their tickets. They had so much fun riding very fast rides and played games. Wolf was an top of one the rides no one noticed her. She had a sinper rifle with her and was aiming at Scribble. Bear came on the communication device and asked "Are you sure you're aiming at the right one?" Wolf:Yes Bear even though they almost look the same they all have different color eyes. Scribble can sense something is wrong. Right when Wolf shot a bullet Scribble immediately got him and his two friends out of the way.

Scribble got up and saw a anthro female wolf on top of an abandoned Ferris Wheel. Wolf has been spotted by the majority of the guest there so she made a quick escape. Mordecai: Dude she was trying to kill you! Scribble: I know but it looks like she is not done though. Rigby: So what do we do? Scribble took both of his friends to a secret area and told them they would fight her and anyone else that came along with her.

Then out of nowhere Bear appeared right behind them with Wolf in front of them. Wolf: Thanks for leading us to this secret area. Wolf pulls out her sword. Wolf: Don't worry your death will be quick. Rigby: Not if we have something to say about it. Mordecai immediately use his chi to blast to knock Wolf and Bear back. Scribble used his psychic powers to mess with a radio to make loud music due to him not wanting other people to hear the fight. Rigby pulled out a weapon he tooked from the Multiverse Protection Force. It was a very advance sword and use it to combat Wolf.

Rigby and Wolf were battling each other with their swords but due to Rigby's sword being far more advanced. He was able to eventually destroy Wolf's sword. Unfortunately for Rigby Wolf pulled out an electric gun and shocked Rigby leaving him paralyzed for a short while. Mordecai was fighting Bear trying to overpower Bear. Bear is very strong but Mordecai used his chi to make his muscles stronger. To eventually he was able to knock Bear out. Scribble then proceeded to use his telekinesis to lift both Wolf and Bear into the air and launch them away into the sky.

Both Mordecai and Scribble went to check on Rigby to see if he is okay. The paralyzed effects wore off of him and he was able to stand up. Scribble: Lets go home guys. Scribble turned off the radio and they went home.

We then cut to Wolf and Bear bowing down to Shredder. Wolf: Sorry Shredder we was unable to kill him. Shredder: No worries I know how tough of a challenge it can be. So I am planning on making a second army that can help you on your missions. With the help of a very intelligent scientist. Bear: You are not talking about that treacherous demon that caused harm to you before right? Shredder: No of course not. I will have the help of Mr.S.

Alright first part done what do you guys think?

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