Ditching the others

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Niall's P.O.V

I felt someone slightly pulling my hair. I opened my eyes slowly so they could adjust to the sunlight. When my eyes adjusted i saw my beautiful boyfriend with his hands in my hair. He had that wonderful smile on that i fell for, i smiled back and in return he gave me a peck on my lips. "We're going to the mall today, you can get Louis and Harry up and I'll get the others?" I asked him. He nodded yes and got up. As he got dressed i just stared looking at his buff body,"Niall? NIALL" I was snapped out of it,"yeah?" I asked looking him in his chocolate brown eyes. "Take a picture, it last longer" he told me then walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and got up to put on some jeans. I threw on my Blue polo and walked out deciding to get Liam up first. I knocked on his door hearing some movements in there until the door opened to a fully dressed liam."go get breakfast, we're going to the mall today!" I told him. An instant smile grew on his face and he walked down the stairs. That was easy, know for Parvati. I walked up to her room and knocked on the door, Nothing! I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see her passed out on her bed laying on her stomach. I sighed, i shouldn't of done that to her last night she just wanted me to be supporting i guess and i blew it up.

I sat on her bed and shook her,"Come on sweetie we're going to the mall today" I told her in a sweet voice. She slowly sat up and looked at me and whispered,"Im sorry" with tears forming in her eyes. I wiped the tears away and told her,"it wasn't your fault sweetie it was mine just go get dressed ok?" She gave me a small smile and nodded getting up and going to the closet. I was about to walk out when,"Wait! Dad can you umm help me pick out my clothes?" She asked. I turned around and nodded with a smile on my face. I skipped over to her closet and picked out Black skinny jeans,rainbow suspenders and a shirt that said 'Hollywood undead'. I gave it to her and left for her to change. I walked down the stairs to see Harry having problems sitting down on his chair, Louis had an awkward look on his face, and Liam was sitting there waiting for breakfast. Zayn was in the kitchen cooking bacon and Ego waffles, i walked up to him and pecked him on the cheek. "What happened to Harry,Love?" I whispered into his ear,"He gave me attitude and cursed so i pulled him over my knee" I nodded and realized he was finished. I took the plates and set them on the table as he put the food on the table. Everyone dug in until i saw Parvati walk in she Had a odd look with her white hair all over the place and poofy, tons of black eyeliner and batman Gauges.

We were all silent until Zayn broke it,"What's Hollywood undead?" Parvati looked at him ,"It's a band i listen to" we all nodded but Zayn took out his phone and searched them up on YouTube. 'Bullet' came up and he put his phone away and began to eat. I saw Parvati only ate a pancake and 4 pieces of bacon ehh it's good for me. After we finished i took all the plates and Parvati helped me while we washed them. She began to hum a song and put the dishes in the dishwasher,"what song is that?" I asked her,"Dead bite" she said and started the dishwasher looking up at me. She pulled me with her and we saw all the boys waiting with their shoes on and tapping their feet. I rolled my eyes playfully and Zayn sent me a playful glare back,"Niall i do believe we have a rule for no eye rolling" he told me. I laughed as i pulled on my shoes and grabbed the keys. "LEGGO" Parvati screamed and walked out the door like nothing happened. Zayn and i bursted out laughing and we walked behind her with the others behind us. I unlocked the car and she jumped into the middle seat. I smiled to see her so happy as i got into the the drivers seat. After everyone jumped in i started the car.

It was a quiet car ride until Parvati got out her long trifold wallet and Harry was like,"Parvati!!! How did you get all of those!" She laughed and said,"I made my own money and bought these" Zayn looked back and saw the cards and money she had,"We'll you must of had alot of work" he turned around and after a couple minutes we were there. We all piled out and split into 3 groups. Liam and I, Louis and Zayn, and last but not least Harry and Parvati. They all ran off into their own directions while Liam and i went into Hollister. This should be one fun filled day.

----------Parvati's P.O.V----------

Harry and i were partners so i dragged him into Hot topic and began to buy clothes and ect. after about like 4 hours we both got a text to meet the others in Starbucks. We both walked there with our arms full of bags and what not to see everyone expect Louis with not as much stuff. Niall offered to help me but I told Him i didn't need any. Instead he took like half of my bags and ran of to the car. I laughed when i realized he had the victories secret bag. The others caught on at what I was laughing at and we all walked to the car . We all piled our bags in the trunk and walked back to the mall to go look for Louis, man do i fell bad for him cause Zayn is furious.

After about like half an hour we found him hanging with his friends just acting like it was some normal day. I told the others to go back to the car and that Ill get him so they all left. I skipped over to Louis and tapped on his shoulder, when he turned around one of his friends made a comment about me and said,"Hey louis! Who's the emo bitch" oh hell to the no i will not take that. Louis just stood there and didn't say anything,"Go to the car right now" I told Louis and a scary voice. He walked away and as soon as he was out of earshot i began to speak to the guys," I don't know who the hell you were talking about cause it sure as hell isn't me. I hope you guys have another fucked up day in your fucked up lives. Oh yeah and this" I said then flipped them off.

I ran off to find Louis looking at me like i was crazy,"C'mon you already in enough trouble" I told him no pulled him to the car. When we were near the the car he yanked my hand off of his arms and yelled,"WHAT THE HELL PARVATI!!!WHAT IS YOU PROBLEM!!" I was shocked but replied back in the exact same tone,"YOU KNOW WHAT MY PROBLEM IS! THE FACT HE CALLED ME EMO BITCH AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!!" I quickly ran away from the car with tears rolling down my eyes. It doesn't seem so big but when's it's your 'Brother' not standing up for you it's just to much.

After walking for about an hour i finally flagged down a cabby and told him where I live. When I got back to the house the cost was 45pounds, i gave him the money and walked to the door knocking on it. Zayn opened up and quickly pulled me into a hug, when he let to he pulled me in and shut the door,"What the heck Parvati! Why'd you run" I just shook my head and walked away only to be given 2 quick smacks to my bottom and turned around."I asked you a question" he told me in a stern voice. "I want Dad" I told him then walked away. When I found Niall he was in my room sitting on my bed with his head in his hands,"Dad?" I whispered. He looked up and I ran into him tackling him into a hug."Baby girl. Why'd you run?" Then I asked him,"Can we lay down?" I asked him. He nodded then laid on his back and I laid down on top of him. "Louis friends called me and emo bitch and he didn't say anything. Then he yelled at me about what my problem was" I told him snuggling into his chest."hey! No cursing! And don't worry Daddies going to take care of him" he told me wrapping his arms around my back. Soon I felt his breathing slow down and I felt mine follow his soon afterwards.

----------Zayns P.O.V----------

I walked into Parvati's room to see her laying on top of Niall. I smiled and took a picture the looked so cute, now for business. I moved Parvati and woke up Niall he quietly told me what she told him and then he snuggled into her. I smiled at my lovely boyfriend and walked away to get Louis. I found him in his room sleeping on his bed, i walked over to him and sent a slap to his bum. He shot up and looked at me. "Are you ready?" I asked him, he shook his head no but I pulled him over my lap. His feet were kicking all over the place so i latched his feet under one of mine. I slide his basketball shorts down and let my hand fall on his rear hard. "Don't you ever disappear without my permission" I said punctuating each word with a smack. This went on for a few minutes until he started to beg, "P-please daddy im so-sorry OWW" I begged but i didn't let up. I stopped for a minute and he let out a sigh of relief until i pulled his boxers down,"Zayn please im sorry Ill never do it again!!!" He yelled. I sighed and blacked out his cries for help and landed 50 hard smacks to his bottom. I pulled his pants up and pulled him onto my lap. He wiggled a bit but instantly cried into my shirt,"Im sorry zayn i-im sorry" I interrupted him though,"You hurt Parvati you know that right?" He nodded and i sighed, i carried him out to the couch and left him there next to Harry. I told them not to get into any trouble and walked up to Parvati's room to see them both still asleep. I laid next to Parvati and wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me, and falling asleep. Man am i tired.

A/N: ehh it was good. Did you like it? Dont be afraid to give me some ideas guys i love them in fact!

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