I missed you

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Louis didn't move, thinking it was his imagination. Parvati slowly took a step toward Louis, who looked so fragilr and seemed like he could be easily broken, Parvati reached down to place a hand on his small shoulder. "Lou, please it's me Parvati." She croaked out, tears welling up in her eyes. It never accord to her that this may have been an outcome without her and Niall home. Louis sighed and looked up, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw Parvati. He could feel her, touch her, see her, she was real. He thought. He reached his arms around her and hugged her, though it wasn't his best hug since he was weak.

Parvati began to cry right there, she hugged him back and picked him up, he was so light. She rushed him down stairs and to where Niall and Zayn were. "D-dad?" She asked with fear. Parvati sat down on the couch with Louis. "L-Lou needs to go to t-the hospital." She choked out and hid her face in his small neck.

Niall's eyes grew wide and he looked towards Zayn. "How did you-" he started. "Parvati, bring him to the car. Zayn get the other two." Niall said and helped Parvati carry Louis to the car.

Everyone was soon in the car. The kids in the back all around Louis. Parvati was cryin the hardest though and Louis felt horrible. Thought he couldn't say anything, he had put all his energy into hugging Parvati. Zayn rushed to the hospital and they rushed inside. Louis immediately being taken away by a doctor and place in a stretcher. Parvati screeched an reached out for Louis, though Niall was holding her back. "No! Loulou! Please don't." She cried, not being able to form a sentence correctly.

They all sat down in the waiting room, Parvati being held by Niall and Zayn. Parvati felt horrible, she gripped Niall's shirt and mumbled something into his ear. "Daddy, I want to c-cut." She whimpered. Niall's grip tightened on her and he shook his head. "You won't baby girl, you can't." He said, rocking her back and forth.

A few hours later they heard Louis' name called and everyone stood up, Parvati nearly toppling over. They rushed to the Doctor and he explained what was wrong. "He was extremely de-malnourished and suffered from minor starvation and dehydration. He was given four ID'a and food was pumped Into him." He said before telling them what number he was in.

Parvati ran to Louis' room and rushed in, everyone behind her. She walked in and immediately tackled Luis in a hug. "You scare the shit outta me Lou." She mumbled and heard Louis give a small chuckled. There was a loud slap and Parvati jumped up, rubbing her bum. "Language." Zayn scolded. Parvati sighed and mumbled a soft 'sorry' before giving Louis a hug and kiss. "I missed you." Louis said quietly. "I missed you so much, I had no one it seemed like." He sighed and felt years build up in his eyes. Parvati shook her head and wiped his cheeks. "No it's fine, just never do that again. I love you to much to ever lose you." She mumbled.

They all talked for a few hours before everyone felt extremely tired. Parvati curled up into Louis side as Louis held her close. Niall sat in the single chair and bed Zayn on his lap, curle into a ball. Liam and Harry both shared the couch. Everyone felt happy and full for once. They felt like a family once again. And they were happy they were back together again. Though some of them were broken, more then they felt comfortable with. Though they were just happy to be together. When the family split everything fell apart and they realized that. They all knew that this experience made some stronger and some much, much weaker. But no ones pointing fingers at who did, because it hurt them all.


Sorry if its short, I write on my phone and I'm not sure if its enough or yeah. So is It long enough? What should happen next? Feedback would be appreciated.

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