Sneaking out for the better

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Parvati's P.O.V

After the restaurant incident i tried my best to stay away from everyone except for Lou. We came home and we sat together on the plane ride back thank god! He and me have been skipping meals just to stay away from everyone and we spend days on end in one of our rooms together. Whenever we are together with the others we either get yelled at, into a spat, or a mean remark made our way. I sighed walking towards the table holding hands with Lou, we sat down next to each other keeping quiet so we wouldn't hugely yelled at or something. "Parvati! Are you listening to me! I asked you a question!" Niall raged, i sighed and forced myself to look up at him,"Yes?". He shook his head at the way i looked,"he said. why haven't you been eating lately? Are you becoming Anorexic again?" Harry asked in a rude voice. I let a single tear slip and looked down at my stomach, it was a good size not to small right? After the second tear drop fell i pushed my chair out and got up waking away with Lou behind me. Zayn was walking after us with a annoyed expression until Lou and I shut the door in his face when we entered Lou's room.

After minutes of door banging and yelling from Zayn he finally gave up and left to go eat dinner. I looked up at Lou,"Can we leave for awhile! I don't want to be here now" i told him. He smiled and threw some clothes at me,"Go change". I nodded yes and went into his bathroom changing into the The jeans he gave me and shirt. When I walked out i saw him changed and ready, he had a credit card in his hand and i smirked,"Sneaky aren't we?" I went over to the reserve and put a belt threw my belt loops so they would stay up. I finally walked over to his window and climbed out onto the roof. I climbed down the water pipe and landed safely down on my feet, and patently waited for Lou. As soon as he was on the ground we began to walk to some hotel hopefully.

We walked for what seemed like a couple hours until we found a proper hotel, entering it, and walking up to the front desk. "We would like a room please" i said in a sweet voice before the receptionist could ask us a question handing him the credit card. "Proof of Identification?" He asked us and we looked at each other,"Um sorry?" Louis asked him.

"Im sorry sir but are you of the age of 18?"

"Yes sir"

"May I see your identification?"

"Yes you may" i say handing him a fake ID saying I was 19. He looked at me and shook his head,"Im sorry miss but this is fake and i must call the cops."we looked at him and made a mad sprint towards the front door only to be stopped by security. They grabbed our arms and sat us down in the main office. I looked at him and he looked scared and well I am scared, can't wait to see Niall and Zayn(Note the sarcasm). We waited until 2 officers came up to ask asking us questions and we answered all of them truthfully until they asked us for parents numbers and names. We looked at each other and then back at them shaking our heads no,"we can set you guys up for a night in a cell if you'd like that better?" The fat one with a mustache asked us. I huffed in defeat and Louis told them, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan, ***-***-****" they nodded and left us where we were. I shook with fear and laid my head On Louis shoulder falling into sleep.

I was awoken by someone yelling, i opened my eyes to see Zayn standing over Louis while he drunk back into the seat. When he noticed i was awake he sent me a look then got a killer grip on my ear and Louis leading us towards the cars leaving our 'Ows' and 'Sorry's' behind us. He let Lou open the car and threw us in shutting it behind us,I held Lou because he was shaking so much. The drive was extremely Fast and quiet no one dare break the silence. When we got to the flat I saw a infuriated Niall sitting in front of the door waiting for i guess us. Zayn stopped the car and Niall ran over grabbing me while Zayn grabbed Louis. As soon as we separated i screamed ,"NO LET ME GO! I NEED LOU!" I slowly broke into sobs,"I-i need Lou please let me stay with Lou" i whispered. Soon i was met by a pair of arms around me, I looked to see Lou holding me with a frightened expression. I let him pick me up and walk towards the house, he sat down on the couch while Zayn walked in with Niall holding a belt?!?! "Z-Zayn?" I whispered but he didn't show any pity or mercy.

He yanked me out of Lou's arms and over his lap same being done with Lou only with niall so we were both facing each other. We both looked each other in the eyes and held hands waiting for the first smack WHACK it came down and I let out a scream of pain, soon after mine Lou gave one out. They soon made a steady beat letting it hit our bottoms making a rhythm appear. This went on for awhile until i felt my bottoms pulled down. I looked at Lou and he had a shocked face too probably the same thing happened to him and soon we felt a WHACK on our bottoms that felt like 1,000 bee's stinging us at once. We both let out a scream of pain which soon happened many more times. After about 50 whacks with the belt over our boxers the finally finished. They placed the belts on the couch and pulled our pants up both of us hissing in pain. I noticed the whole time neither of the dads said a word to us, the pulled us up and began to try and comfort us until i had enough. I pushed Zayn away and fell on the floor landing on my bum. I screamed out in pain tears streaming down my face.

I looked up to see Zayn giving me a regretful look? Yeah right! He hates me so does Niall ever since Ireland. I stood up trying my best not to tumble and walked away looking for my room. I felt dizzy the whole time having a horrible headache. Until i bumped into Harry who was talking to Liam. He yelled at me,"Watch where your going Bitch!". And after that i don't remember. I was swallowed by darkness and felt myself hit the ground with a painful Thud. Soon i lost my hearing the yelling fading away as i was in the darkness.

A/N:ok My wattpad doesn't tell me when I get comments and i have to go to each chapter to look at the comments so i will get to them soon

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