Two in trouble but no one to punish (part 2)

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        The night had been followed by a thirty minute timeout, both of them silently whining in the corners they had chosen. Once they had heard the timer go off they quickly jumped into bed and cuddled with eachother, smiling softly.

        The next day Niall was awoken by the sound of an alarm clock, blaring loudly in their room. Niall dragged himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes before looking at Zayn who had already gotten out of bed and retrieved the brush. Niall sighed and stood up, biting his lip gently. "So am i going first?" He asked softly, Zayn nodding in response. "I dont think i could keep still with a burning bum." He laughed softly, trying to lightned the mood.

        Niall frowned and nodded, rubbing his eyes. He rubbed his bum gently with a sigh, letting a small whimper escape. "30?" He whispered, Zayn nodding in agreement. "Sounds good, now bend over the bed for me love." Zayn whispered, his fingers running over the bristles from the brush.

        Niall bent over the bed, taking his time as to prolong the punishment. Zayn walked to the side of Niall and placed a gentle hand on the small of his back. "Ni, do i need your hands?" He asked with a semi-stern voice, which got no reply. He rubbed a small circle with his finger into Niall's back before bringing the brush up and slamming it down on Niall's left cheek. "Ow! Zaynie!" Niall whimpered, his hands balling up with the sheets inside them. "Lighten up on the hits." He whined, Zayn chuckling with a small shake of his head. "Niall, you know that usually makes me get alot worse with my hits." He said, landing another hit on Niall's right cheek, a loud 'WHAM' echoing into the room. "But, since you have to give me my punishment afterwards, i'll let that slide." He whispered soothingly.

  They contiuned on like that, Zayn bringing the brush down and Niall whimpering loudly. Only it went from whimpering, to soft crying, to Niall begging his little heart out for Zayn to stop. Of course it was soon finished with a low number of hits, but it still 'stung like a bitch' as Niall put it. Zayn set the brush down and picked Niall up, hugging him tightly for a good five minutes until he was calmed down.

        Niall sniffled and looked up at Zayn, biting his lip gently. "I'm not going easy on you." He whispered, a small smile peeking out from the corners of his lips, in a way telling Zayn he was okay. Zayn chuckled with a small smile, setting Niall down gently. "Do your worst." He said, almost mocking Niall from the day before which made Niall laugh. "Here we are, goofing off before someone's getting their butts whooped." Niall said, pecking Zayn's lips as he grabbed for the brush. Zayn thought nothing of it and wrapped his arms tightly around Niall, pulling him into a deep kiss.

        They staid like that fo a few minutes, tongues twisting and mouths moving in sync. That was until Zayn had an unpleasent tap on his bottom, making him jump high in the air. Well that wasnt exactly true, and neither was calling that slap a tap. Niall had jokingly slapped Zayn's naked bum with the paddle, laughing softly to himself. Niall grinned and winked at Zayn, tapping the brush in his hand. "Ready?" He asked, Zayn shaking his head with crossed arms. "I might be pulling you over my knee when we're done with my punishment." He mumbled with a small pout. He bent himself over the bed with a small shake of his bum, and that's when it began.

        WHAM, WHAM WHAM! It rang, the brush coming down on Zayn's bottom, leaving red marks over the tan skin. Zayn bit down on his lip, trying to keep his sounds minimul. Niall rubbed his own bum gently after he finished beating Zayn's bum. "Zaynie? Want cuddles?" He asked, leaning onto the bed to hug Zayn.

        Zayn rolled over and quickly cuddled into Niall. Zayn whimpered softly trying to calm down. "Nini?" he whispered, biting his lip. "Im hungry." He said sadly, closing his eyes. Niall smiled and sat up slowly. "Come on downstairs sweetie." He whispered, eye's popping open for a second. "Wait, stay there." He said, quickly but carefully removing the small plug from Zayn's poor, puckered hole. Easily doing the same with himself. He sat the plugs down ont the beside table, dragging Zayn out of bed before bringing him downstairs.

Through out the day they did their routine, only they were both naked. Niall getting a few love taps from Zayn, which made him blush.

        In the afternoon Niall set the timer and they went to their respected corners with their poor holes plugged with the newly washed plugs. Soon after the timer went off, they went to bed cuddling together.

        The next day was the same, only with the horrible ruler in Zayn's and Niall's rutheless hands. Each bum painted red after thirty painful lashes, the ruler making horrible lines in their skin. Niall though had gotten a few more though, from kicking the ruler from Zayn's hand. How he did it? Who knows, but Zayn know's after that he did not go easy. And tomorrow, he would definitly have Niall restrained tomorrow.

        The next day came a little to fast for either of their likings. Niall was the first up, getting a flip flop from the closet. "I'm spanking first today." He said sternly, looking at Zayn seriously. "No talking today, we're just going to beat eachother's asses raw." He said, biting his lip. "And maybe, you can beat mine tomorrow?" He suggested, Zayn sighing with a small nod. "Fine with me, but you'll regret it tomorrow when we pick up the kids." Niall shrugging in response to Zayn. "I'll regret it, but it will be part of my punishment."

        Zayn bent over the bed and Niall shook his head. "I want to do this in the kitchen." He said shyly, but instantly cleared hsi throat. "I mean, pull some brief's on and get in the kitchen." Niall ordered before walking down to the kitchen. He took a deep breatj, both having promised to not go easy on the other. That was a promise he would keep, because he has no idea what Zayn has planned for him.

        Minutes later Zayn was walking down the stairs, awkwardly may i add since he still had the buttplug shoved up him. "Zayn, could you please bend over the counter?" He asked, biting his lip as he watched Zayn comply easily. He moved closer to Zayn and placed a firm hand on Zayn's back, "Do not scream or kick. Okay? Stay as still as you can too, please." Niall stated, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to Zayn's neck. "I want you to count to fifty in your head." He stated. "I'll be counting too and if you tell me to stop to early we start over. If you tell me to stop late that will be okay." He said.

        Zayn nodded, sighing in pure fear. "Okay, you may start." He whispered, NIall immediatly starting at a very fast pace, a series of loud whacks  and painful whines went through as Zayn tried to count the amount of times Niall had hit him. He crossed his legs, making Niall' hit Zayn's legs. "Spread those! I want to paint those legs a pretty red!" He said, moving down to the sit spots, making Zayn start to kick lightly. "Niall! Stop! You hit fifty!" He cried, hands going back to protect his bum.

        "Wrong, actually. I hit forty-five. Now we have to start all over, that means i'll be continuing to paint those legs." He said, starting without warning. He bit his lip in concentration as he focused on getting the legs a dark red, hopefully the same color as Zayn's bum. He counted quickly in his head, reaching fifty-three in no time. Zayn just sobbed and pounded his fists against the counter top. "Your done!' he semi-yelled. Niall smiling instantly. "Correct, now c'mere boo." he whispered, dropping the flip flop quickly as he went to grab  Zayn. He pulled him up and hugged him tightly, closing his eyes. "Calm down sweetheart, its all over. I promise its over. You did so well! You didnt kick me like i did yesterday." He smiled, petting Zayn's hair gently.

        Zayn chuckled softly at that, nodding his head as he sniffled. "I-m *hiccup* tying you up tomorrow." He whispered, digging his face into Niall's neck. Niall smiled, gently digging his hand into Zayn's briefs to dig out the plug which he gently took out of Zayn. "Do you wanna go take a nap sweetie?" He whispered, Zayn nodding with a couple sniffles. "Hey baby, want me to take the plug out?" He asked, Niall shaking his head slowly. "Do that later, lets take a nap first." He whispered, leaving the plug on the counter before leading Zayn to the couch. Niall laid down on his back, gently pulling Zayn onto his stomach. They both cuddled close together, Zayn falling asleep as soon as he got comfortable. Niall played with Zayn hair for a few minutes before he also fell back asleep.


A/N:Hey lovlies! Niall's horrid spanking shall be in the next chapter! Also the teens will be coming back into the story (not that they were gone for long). But im not really sure on what exactly should be used on Niall. I'm thinking of maybe a leather paddle? Or maybe Zayn could be mean and put some icy-hot on Niall's poor bum before they leave to go get the kids? Leave your opinions in the comments please!  And also have a good  day you bueatiful/handsome people!

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