Restaurant troubles

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Thanks @Tans_sunburns For the idea!!!!

Parvati's P.O.V

Niall decided he wanted to go back to Ireland and visit home. So he brought the whole family and now we are all sitting in a hotel room bored. Of course im not on my phone or laptop because they got taken away because i had an 'attitude' and i swore. These guys honestly have no idea who i am. I curse like crazy and i don't have an attitude, my mood just speaks, like literally speaks. "Im bored!" I said for the billionth time, when Niall opened the door,"Kids we're are going to Nando's!". I gave him a smile and stood up wearing my red skinny jeans and Blue striped shirt with some suspenders. Yeah, Louis and I are matching today but secretly 'I look better'. We all walked out of the hotel room, Niall holding the door for us. When I walked past him he slept my bum as a warning so i shot him a glare. "Just a reminder to make sure you behave!", i let it go and walked over to Louis linking arms together. When he saw me he screamed,"TWIN!!!"then started giving me sloppy kisses all over my face. I wiped off the saliva and jumped in the back of the car letting the drive go by.

When we walked in the doors i was hit by the smell of chicken. I smiled and saw the boys being seated, i quickly followed and sat down between Zayn and Harry while the lady talked. She handed us our menu's and left, i quickly picked out what I was going to get and set my menu down on top of the rest of them. Louis was in front of me, Niall in front of Harry, then of course Liam in front of Zayn. I looked down playing with my fingers until Zayn decided he wanted to have a conversation with me. "So Parvati! How's life" he asked me and I just ignored him. He eventually gave up not wanting to ruin this evening, i listened to all the conversations going on. I listened to Niall's and Harry's the most, it seems that Harry isn't in the mood either just like me.

After a couple minutes of just random conversations a waitress in a slutty uniform and a face that looked like it got raped by crayons came over to ask us for our orders. When she got to our table she smirked at the boys then sent me a glare which I returned with no problem. I felt a kick under the table and saw Niall giving me a strict look, i rolled my eyes and waited for her to ask me for my order. When she asked Harry she pretended to drop her pen and bent down to get it. Harry looked straight down her shirt while i coughed out a,"Slut". Louis and Liam chuckled when they heard me but Zayn and Niall didn't understand. After she got all the BOYS orders she walked away acting like i wasn't even there. I sighed sitting back in my seat, why does everyone act like i don't exist around the boys? Am I really that worthless? Wait stop it Parvati your done with that stop it!

Louis gave me a look and i mouthed ,"Can I talk to you?" He nodded yes and we both excused ourselves. We walked into the family bathroom and locked it,"Did you see that slut just walk away without taking my order!!"


"Why didn't anyone stop her? Does no one care about me?" I was on the verge of tears.

"We care about you it's just! Honestly i don't wanna talk to her! Ad you can have some of my food." He said and i nodded. He gave me a hug and we walked out of the bathroom back to the table. "Niall can we switch places?" I asked him kindly he nodded yes then got up so i could sit down. When I sat down i laid my head on Louis shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We staid like that until the food came and we parted ways. When the man left the all looked at me,"Where's your food?" Niall asked,"Maybe you would notice if you fucking paid any attention to me" I snapped at him

"Excuse you? young lady that language is not aloud"

"Just leave me alone and have fun fucking each other" I said happily while the others looked at me shocked. I walked out of the restaurant and into the street reaching the sidewalk. Wow, no one came after me assholes. I kept walking until i found myself near a park, i smiled to myself and instantly went for the swings. I swang back and fourth letting the wind run threw my hair. I staid at the park for a good hour or so.

I finally decided to go back to the hotel and realized i had no idea where I was. I asked for directions and some wonderful person gave me some directions. I thanked them and ran where the told me to hoping the gave me the right ones. When I got there i found I was at the hotel and ran to the elevator. I pressed 4 and waited listening to the 'Ding' as i passed each floor. When the doors opened i walked towards my room and knocked slowly not knowing what would happen. Zayn answered and when he saw me i saw rage in his eyes and only rage. He pulled me in the door and slammed it shut. I looked and saw the others standing up Harry and Liam a relived look, Louis all teary eyed, and Niall rage in his eyes. I began to shake not knowing what would happen until Zayn began to yell,"Parvati what the hell was that! You embarrassed us back there and cursed!" I just staid where I was not saying a thing.

Zayn let out a frustrated sigh and in a heart beat had me pulled over his lap in front of the lads. I began to wiggle until i felt my jans being pulled down. In an instant i felt a sharp pain in my bum and was soon met by similar feelings all over my bum. I began to sob not being able to speak due to lack of breath. I wanted to beg but i couldn't, SMACK SMACK SMACK Zayn began to deliver smacks on my sit spots and upper thighs. He stopped for a moment and i sighed relief filling me until i felt another feeling like a hundred bees had just stung me. Soon my whole bum felt like a wildfire that no one bothered putting out. Zayn finally finished by giving me 10 of the hardest of them all to my sit spots. I hissed and instantly fell limp over his lap. "I don't ever want a repeat of that behavior am i understood?" I just laid there limp not being able to speak until he sent another hard slap to my bum,"YES SIR!" I yelled.

He began to rub my bum only spreading the burning sensation further. He finally let me up and tries to hug me but I just shoved him away only to Be pulled back towards him. I looked at all the boys expressions, Niall sent me a stern look, Louis a sympathetic look while he was fidgeting while sitting down, and well Liam and Harry sent me a smirk. I sighed and finally Zayn pulled away,"Why don't you and Lou go take a nap, i bet both of you are tired" I nodded and took Louis hand leading him to the bedroom. We both laid down next to each other looking into each others eyes,"Why did you get a spankin Lou?" I asked in a child's voice, "I yelled at them for being idiots in public" I chuckled and snuggled into him further. A couple minutes later Harry and Liam came in and sent me and Lou a sharp smack. We both hissed and sent them a glare and they just left us alone. Soon we fell asleep in each others arms not regretting a thing we did, well except for getting that spanking.

A/N: sorry for asking but without requests i won't be able to update often!!!! Did you guys like it though? And thanks @Tans_sunborns for the idea!

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