Young love

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Louis was realesed from the hospital a few day's later and he was glad to be out and back home. To him it felt like he hasn't been home since Parvati and Niall left. Nothing felt right so to him it just felt like a temporary place he was stuck.

During those few days Louis and Parvati talked non stop. They were their usual inseparable selves. Only everything between them had changed. This time while they talked Parvati felt free to tell him everything and anything.

When they got home Parvati and Louis wanted to go somewhere. But they needed to do something ask their dads in order to do that. They walked up to Niall and Zayn and took in a deep breath. "Dad's? Can Parvati and I go to a resteraunt? Just the two of us and a friend?" Louis asked, holding onto Parvati's hand. Niall and Zayn looked at each other and thought for a moment. "Okay, but! No drinking, no going anywhere else but the resteraunt and you have to be home by midnight." Zayn said with all seriousness. Parvati and Louis both nodded and ran to their rooms to get ready.

An hour later they decided to leave an Niall drove them to the resteraunt. Parvati had invited her friend, a boy named Jake and no one knew except Louis. They got out and Jake ran over to Parvati, picking her up and hugging he tightly. "Niall can you wait a sec?" She asked and he nodded, not paying attention to anything but his phone. Parvati wanted Niall to wait because her money was still in the car. Louis got out and had also left his stuff in the car so he could say Hello so Jake before retrieving the items.

When they both turned around Niall wasn't there and neither were their things they needed. "Shit!" Parvati mumbled and leaned into Louis. "Jake, we can't pay for dinner. Sorry but you can eat without us." Parvati sighed but jake shook his head and took Parvati's hand in his. "I'll pay for you guys, don't worry." He smiled. Parvati bit her lip and hugged him again. "God I love you." She whispered and he said. "I love you." Back. She smiled knowing it was true. Parvati and Jake were in love with each other but he was three years older then her and her dads would never let them date.

They walked into the resteraunt and sat down before talking and soon ordering the food. They all ate and talked before their night came to an end to soon for their liking and they walked out of the resteraunt. Parvati and Louis said goodbye to Jake. Only difference was is that Jake played a kiss into her lips. She blushed a deep crimson and hugged him one last time. "Bye jake! Love you!" She yelled as he jumped into his bike and road home.

Parvati looked to Louis to see him slightly mad. "Lou? It was just a small kiss." She said and hugged him. "Parvati! He's to old for you." He snapped angrily. "No he's not! I'm done with people telling me this! It's love now get over it!" She said, fusterated. Everyone at school would tell her that. He was too old or he just wanted to use you and it's bullshit! Why can't they see he loves her for her? Not anything else? Parvati's anger built up until she felt sad. Sad that her favorite brother didn't approve of him. Louis saw her change in expression and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Sis, I just don't want you getting hurt." Parvati nodded. "He won't hurt me, he knows better I promise." She snuffled and Louis nodded with her.

"Okay, not let's go catch a cabbie."

"We don't have any money." She reminded him.

Louis groaned and they both began to jog home, well what they thought was home. Eventually making to their street. They both knew they would be late but it wasn't their fault right? They couldn't call anyone and didn't have any money to take a cab.

They both were tugged inside the house and whimpered. "W-wait!" Parvati cried as Zayn's grip tightened on her arm. "What?" He hissed. "It's not our fault!" She pleaded and felt a smack on her bum. "Yes it is!" Niall said as already had Louis over the couch and was spanking him. Parvati looked up with fear in her eyes. "Stop it! D-dad left before we could get our things!" She said as Zayn let her go. Niall stopped his spanking and thought for a second before remembering what Parvati had told him.

Parvati had engulfed Louis in a hug and was rubbing his bum to get the pain out. "Shh Lou." She whispered. Zayn marched over to Niall and looked him straight in the eyes. "Is that true?" He asked in a stern voice. Niall nodded slowly. "I wasn't paying attention and-" he felt guilt rise up in his chest. "Zayn I'm sorry. Louis, oh my god I'm so sorry." He said and hugged Louis from behind.

Louis snuffled an wiped his eyes. "It's fine dad, I love you." He hugged Niall back. Zany sighed. "Louis, Parvati. Why don't you guys go to bed and get some sleep? You guys have that trip remember?" Louis and Parvati nodded, giving then both a hug and a kiss before jogging up to their rooms and falling asleep.

Zany turned to Niall and crossed his arms. "Our room this instant. Naked in the corner." He said And Niall rushed to their room doing as he as told. Zany came up a few minute later and sat down on the bed, smirking as he saw Niall had done what he was told. He stood next to the bed and smirked. "C'mon Niall, lay over the bed." He ordered

Niall turned around and walked over to the bed, seeing Zayn's smirk made him shiver as he slows bent over the bed. Zayn adjusted niall's position so his bum was high in the air. Zayn patted Niall's bum. "Niall, how many did you give Louis?" He asked. Niall thought for a moment. "25." He said simply and Zayn nodded. "I would say 50?" Zayn suggested and began to beat Niall's poor bum until he it was a deep red which happened to be around 50.

A/N:Warning!!! Graphic Content!!!

Zayn grinned as he finished and removed his clothes before lubing himself and his fingers up. He quickly pumped Niall until he was stretched and moaning loudly. Zayn grinned and removed his fingers before wiping them on the covers and thrusting into Niall. Niall let out a groan in surprise and whimpered.

Zayn stopped for a moment , letting Niall adjust before he continued the thrust. "Damn, so fucking tight Ni." He moaned as he thrusted into Niall, hitting Niall's prostate which made him moan. "Your poor neglected hole." He mumbled.

They continue like that for awhile, Zayn thrusting into Niall, both of them moanig loudly. Skin slapping against skin filled the room. Soon enough Niall came onto the bed sheets and Zayn came soon after him, filling Niall to the tip. Zayn pulled out and got a plug before placing it in Niall. Niall whined and pouted.

A/N:The end Of dirtyness!

Zayn chuckled and kissed his head. "Punishment babe." He whispered before picking Niall up and placing him under the covers with him. They both cuddled together and fell asleep, Niall's bum burning like crazy and Zayn had a grin plastered on his face.


Miss trouble maker (one direction spanking)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang