48. We're All Family

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I don't know how my wife does it. She is a fucking goddess... she's fucking Wonder Woman. I love being a dad, and husband, but a baby is exhausting. Don't get me wrong I will never trade it for all the riches in the world. The first few months after Michael was born was restless. I don't think either of us had more than a couple of hours sleep at a time. But my Spitfire was still beautiful as ever.

"Son of a biscuit!"

I chuckle as I hear her trying to stop from swearing. Yesterday it was peanut butter and jelly. I even heard her say Rumpelstiltskin. I shake my head smiling as I walk into the kitchen.

"No, no Mikey. Mommy's camera is not a toy." He just giggles as he tries to climb up and get to it on the table.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I lean against the door frame. She rolls her eyes and blows her bangs out of her eyes.

"Our little mon...munchkin thinks my camera is his. I need this for my next session."

"Da da"

He turns to me and wobbles his way over to me and I pick him up. He pinches my cheeks and I can't stop the smile on my face. I can't believe how fast the past year and half has gone.

"Are you giving mama a hard time?" He shakes his head and looks between us both.


"No, no that's daddy's name for mama."

"Mama" she beams at him and comes over and kisses his head. "Mama loves you." She then kisses my lips tenderly. "I love you too, but I got to go before I'm late."

"Ryder will be here soon, I have to go to the office to finish up this project. We still having Jaxon and Lucas over for dinner."


"Are you sure about what we talked about?"

"Yes, as long as you are."

"Definitely, they deserve it."

"Alright my favorite boys. I'll see you later." She blows us kisses and is out the door.

"Just you and me buddy."

He claps his hands, "play, play."

"Okay, let's do this."

I set him down and he waddles to the living room just as the door opens.

"I don't see what the big deal is Cowboy."

I'm surprised to see that my brother is letting anyone cling to him like that.

"Will you stop calling me that?" My brother rolls his eyes, but I see the twitch of a smile trying to form.

"Oh, I didn't know you were bringing company."

"Yeah, that's what I came to talk about." He rubs the back of his neck. "Some things have come up and I have to babysit him again." He points his thumb at Josh, who in returns rolls his eyes.

"Please you love my company."

"I don't think it's a good idea to be around right now. I don't want to bring any danger to you guys."

Mikey walks up to Ryder and tugs on his pants.

"Up, up Uncky"

Ryder picks him up and gives him kisses. "Sorry lil man I can't stay, but I promise to be back soon."

He puts my son down and I go to give him a hug. "Stay safe and if you need anything let me know." I look at Josh and he nods, because I know my brother he won't ask for help, even if he needs it.

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