25. Never Again

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"What the hell is wrong with you today?" Lucas stops and looks at me again as we trudge towards the trail. I know he has been dying to find out.

"Charlie horse in my leg." I deadpan. I am NOT going to tell him what happened last night.

"He looks like he got fucked in the ass." I stop dead in my tracks. Shit can they tell? Jaxon laughs at me and pats my shoulder while my brother gives me a dubiously look. I just shove passed him and they laugh at me

Why the hell did I volunteer for this again? Oh right a free trip and now that Spitfire is here is an added bonus.

"He was probably hooking up with Stacy." Lucas smacks me on the back and I almost stumble forwards. I turn around and glare at my idiot of best friend. "What the fuck Luke?"

"No shit! You and Stace?" Jaxon gapes at me and for someone being smart with academics can be dumb at times.

"Don't start Jax." I just stare at him not in the mood to discuss this. Besides my ass is still throbbing. I don't know how they take it up the ass all the time.

He holds up a hand to me. "I'm just gonna say one thing and then I'll drop it. You hurt her, I will break you." At first I thought he was joking but I saw the seriousness on his face. I shake my head because this pisses me off.

"Yeah says the person who fucked her just to use her."

"Are you fucking serious?" He squares his shoulders and I take the same stance. I don't give a fuck I will hit him friend or not.

"Yes I'm fucking serious! I didn't use her for sex,like you two fucking did!" Lucas gives me a look of regret and I should feel bad but at the moment I don't. "I would never intentionally hurt her, I fucking love her!"

Shit! I said that out loud.

They all stare at me with their mouths open. "Damn I'm sorry man." Jaxon puts his hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off. "You guys go ahead I'll catch up." Jaxon looks like he is ready to say something else but looks just takes his hand and starts walking.

I see him look back, "I'm not like that anymore Lucas."

"I know baby, he didn't mean that."

Lucas brings Jaxon closer to him as Jax lays his head on his shoulder. I feel bad but I am not going to apologize right now while I'm still angry. I feel my phone buzz and I pull out my phone to see a picture of Spitfire in a very skimpy bikini.

Spitfire: Wish you were here. 😘

Me: Hot damn woman! You trying to kill me.😍

Spitfire: How are you feeling babe?

Me: I'm okay but never again Stace. That was a one time deal.

Spitfire: 😭 Boo, you're no fun. You weren't complaining last night.

Hell no I wasn't. That woman made me cum more than I ever thought I could. Especially for someone who has never done that before...well with a man anyways.


"I'll be gentle." She coos as she walks over to me, but my brain is not functioning right now. The fucking lingerie she has on is undoing me. See through lace everywhere. I just want to reach out and rip it off.

My eyes almost bulge out of my head when I see her putting the strap-on on herself.

"What the fuck Stace?"

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