12. Paranoid

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I just let him walk away, my mind was screaming to have him stay. It's been two weeks and I have not seen or head from him and it hurts, even though I won't admit it out loud. Stupid pride...stupid stubborn streak I have.

As I walk out of class and towards my car, I feel as someone is watching me. I turn around quickly but no one's there. When my phone rings and I nearly jump out of my skin.


I don't hear anything but breathing. I look down to see the number but it's an unknown number.

"Okay if this is a telemarketer or a scammer, go fuck yourself!"

I end the call after I scream into the phone. When I look around I see a few people one in particular that makes my breath hitch. There he is standing there talking to that skank Kylie. I almost lose it when she puts her hand on his chest. It's like he knows I'm looking at him because his eyes find mine.

"Fuck this!"

I tear my eyes away from him and jump in my car and peel out of the parking lot. When I drive by I flip them the bird.

This is why you don't get attached you get burned. You stupid, stupid girl.

I speed towards my house and once I get there I slam my car door, and stomp my way inside. Once inside everything sinks in and I feel the urge to cry.

"It's not worth it. He's not worth it."

You know he is, that's why you're acting this way.

"Shut up brain!"

Great now I feel like I'm going crazy. What I need to do is go out and have some fun. If he can move on so fast so can I. Then I realize I really don't have anyone I can call to go out with me. My phone rings again, but this time I see who is calling.

"Hey Jaxon. How are you doing?"

"He still won't talk to me."

God I feel bad for him. I know we all fuck up and make mistakes, but at least he is trying.

"I was going to go out. Do you want to hang out. I think we could both use a distraction."

"I don't know Stace."

"C'mon sugar I think it will be good for the both of us."

I hear him sigh on the other end of the line. "Give me about an hour. I'm bringing Kayla a milkshake like I promised then I will go."

"Does Lucas know you visit her?"

"No and don't tell him please! He might ban me from seeing her." I hear the panic in his voice and I feel so bad. "I promise Jaxon meet me at Club Essence I'll be there around five."

"Okay. I'll see you there."

I end the call and rush to my room and go through my drawers to find my favorite panties.

"That's weird they were in here this morning." I shrug my shoulders not thinking too much into it, and get my clothes and jump in the shower. I shiver as I feel the hot water cascading down my body. Once I'm done I go in my room to change and stop dead in my tracks.

Hmm that's weird. I could have sworn I put my clothes on my bed.

"I'm losing my fucking mind."

I walk to my closet and the outfit I chose is hanging in there. Shaking my head at my forgetfulness, I quickly change. I do my hair and makeup trying not to picture her slimy hands on him.

"Get over it, it's not worth it."

Glancing at the clock I see what time it is.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Jaxon is going to kill me if he is waiting long. Or he will just leave and I don't want to be alone. I rush out of the house not noticing that there was a shadow lingering in the hallway. I lock my door and head towards the club. Once I get there, I see Jaxon waiting in line

"I was just about to bail." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say as I give him a hug. I grab his arm and drag him towards the door.

"Don't we have to wait in line?"

I look at him and pat his cheek and laugh. "You have so much to learn sugar." The bouncer looks at us and I smile and slip him some money and he lets us in right away.

"Thanks hun." I wink at him and he cracks a smile. "Anytime doll face." I cringe at the nickname but plaster on the best fake smile, as we walk in. The music is loud and luckily it's not crowded yet.

"Let's get some shots." Jaxon shakes his head and frowns. "Fine Jaxon but at least dance with me."

"I think I'll take that shot."

We head to the bar and I feel that shiver go down my spine again. I turn around and look around but see nothing out of the ordinary. We get a booth and I clink my glass to his and down my drink.

"I'm sorry I'm not great company." He says after he takes his shot. "I get it Jaxon, but just give it time. If you guys are meant to be then it will happen."

You should take your own advise there girlie.

God I wish my brain and my heart would be on my side right now. He opens his mouth to talk but I see his whole body go stiff.

"Did you set this up?"

"What?" I turn around to see what he is staring at, and gasp. Of course Lucas, Chris and the skank enter the club. Chris eyes lock with mine as I see Lucas eyes widen. I turn back around to Jaxon and grab his hand. "I swear I didn't know." He takes the other shot and downs it and I follow suit. He gets up and grabs my hand. "Let's dance."

We get on the dance floor and I can see Jaxon's eyes linger to where Lucas is and then he looks back at me. "I think you have an admirer." I look at him confused. "What?" He turns my body and points in the direction he was looking. When I look my whole body goes rigid and I feel my body instantly be cold.

"I need to get out of here."

The guy walks towards us and I look around and I see Chris's eyes on us. He can't see who he is with his back towards him. I give him a panic look. He is up in a instant and trying to make his way towards us.

"Get me out of here please."

As soon as Jaxon grabs my hand it's too late. I feel his eyes drink me in, and I feel so dirty under his scrutiny.

"Long time no see Red."

I feel Jaxon tense around me. I breath catches in my throat.


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