2. Change of Events

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A/N: when you see this * then it will be Stacy talking to the readers, or just interrupting her own story lol. Also it's come to my attention that a site called TeenFic.net has mirrored stories from here. Unfortunately my stories are on there. I am not happy about that, and honestly am conflicted about what to do. So if you see any of my work on any other platform let me know. I only have work on here and Chapters. End of rant.

Thanks 💞Lexi💞


Let me tell you what happens tonight, I did not expect it to go that way, like at all...Okay maybe just a little bit. What happens by the end of the night, well let's just say it shocked the hell out of me. I never saw that one coming at all...like ever.

*But you'll have to wait for Chris's point of view on that. I know, I know... I'm a mean bitch haha! I can hear y'all now saying, "Shut the fuck up Stacy and get back to the story already." Sheesh alright you're no fun at all. I mean it is mine and Chris's story, if I want to stop it in the middle to say something I will damn it! I was going to tell you that you will all get to see that delicious man very soon. Maybe I will just keep him all to myself, because I'm a selfish bitch like that....But you can't have him because he is mine! Okay, well not now, but you will see, maybe...well hopefully if you keep up with the story. You'll see soon enough, but still hands off! God I really do sound like a crazy ass bitch (shrugs shoulders) oh well. Anyways I'm getting sidetracked...Press play, do not rewind or fast forward the commentator, yours truly Stacy Adler (takes a bow) is done torturing you poor souls with her ramblings. Back to the story.*

It is just my luck the two hottest guys out there, just happen to be into each other. Even if they don't know it yet, but I do. Still I am going to see what happens when they arrive.

I put on my barely there dress, do my hair and makeup, because I just need to feel something. The doorbell rings and I rush downstairs almost tripping as I go.

Very smooth Stace.

When I open the door I do not hesitate, I pull Lucas into a kiss, am I jumping the gun...yes, but do I care...no. He stands there frozen but then he slips a little tongue into my mouth and that's all I need to know for now. Mmmm he tastes like mint. Once we pull away I pull Jaxon into one of his turn my body to mush kisses.

This boy definitely knows what he is doing.

My inner self is jumping up and down for joy, singing hallelujah, I'm gonna get some. She is dying for a good release, well no shit it's been too damn long to feel some kind of connection. My inner beast is already stripped down and ready to have the ride of her life. I tell her to calm the hell down, all in due time. She waits patiently for me tapping her foot saying hurry the hell up. I slam the door on her impatient ass and smile at the boys.

I'm in charge of this fucking show.

Maybe this will be what brings me out of my funk.

"Come in."

They walk in and I hand them some shots. Lucas looks around and notices no one is here yet. He is very observant like I am, well for the most part anyways.
"Where is everyone?" He asks cautiously.

I throw my head back and laugh, damn he is a cutie. "This is the pre-party. I want you boys all to myself first." Lucas gulps and downs his drink. Jaxon on the other hand looks between us like a boy that got the best birthday gift ever.

This should be really fun.

"Want another?" They nod and we down a couple of more, I walk up to both of them and grabs their dicks. If they don't know by now what I want, there is something majorly wrong with them.

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