16. Unraveled

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"Stacy we need to talk."

This...is...not...happening right now.

"How the hell did you get my number Dominic?"

He laughs and I cringe at his voice. I hate this stupid bastard.

"Come on Red."

"Don't fucking call me that!"

*You're probably wondering why I just don't hang up. Well I want, no I need to know what he wants. You can kick my ass later for this.*

"You have changed in the past three years."

"Well getting put in the hospital from your so called boyfriend can do that to you."

My hands are shaking I'm so pissed off, but for the life of me I can't hang up. I hear him sigh into the phone.

"I'm sorry Stacy. I have changed three years in jail can do that."

"I don't believe you, why the hell should I."

"Just give me a chance Rrr...I mean Stacy."

I start laughing as I pace my room.

"You are fucking delusional if you think I believe you for one second. You fucking ruined me Dominic!" I scream into the phone. "I can't let trust anyone because of you!"

You can trust Chris and you know it.

"Don't fucking call me again!" As I end the call and scream. A part of me is happy I got to tell him off, the other part is still freaked the hell out. What if I pissed him off and he comes after me? I shake that thought from my head. He wouldn't be stupid enough to come after me again.

"I need to get the fuck out of here."

I grab my keys and head out. I don't even know if he's there but if there is a chance I need to talk to him. After talking with Jaxon I feel a little bit better. I pull him into a hug and smile. It's the first smile I've seen from him.

"Everything will work out Jaxon."

"He actually spoke to me, it might not have been much but it was something."

"Then there is hope Jax. I'll see you at the party."

"Alright and thanks Stacey."

"Anytime sugar."

I walk away from Jax as he shuts his door. As I head downstairs I see him but luckily he doesn't see me. But I freeze when I hear that voice.

"Did you hear about the party tonight?"

Chris finally acknowledges her and shrugs. But the bitch keeps trying.

You can't be jealous you let him go.

"It'll be fun. Stacy always throws the greatest parties."

With the mention of my name his head whips around and of course I'm in his line of sight.

"I guess I will go then. Sounds like it will be fun."

I don't stick around to hear what they say next, and get the hell out of there.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

Because you want to play matchmaker for others, but not yourself.

"Shut up!" Great now I'm going crazy. Yelling at my inner thoughts.

Tonight's going to be one hell of a night.

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