47. I Will Castrate You

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I don't know how much more I can take of this. I love feeling my baby moving around. How he responds to our voices is amazing. But I do not like the swollen feet, morning sickness that comes whenever the hell it wants. I sure as hell don't like my mood changes. I feel like I have D.I.D. My personality has changed and I am shocked Chris hasn't left me by now.

"Will you fuck me already? I need this baby out of me now."

I tug on his sweats and palm his shaft that is starting to harden.

"I don't think that's how it works Spitfire."

"The hell it doesn't! I read having sex can make you go into labor and I want him out."

I squeeze him and his soldier is at full attention.

"Fuck me before I castrate you." I clamp my hand over my mouth. I did not mean to say that. I scoot away, or try to at least create some distance from him, because I feel like shit.

"Love" I feel his arm slide up my leg as he closes the space between us. "I know you didn't mean it. I know your frustrated and in pain. Let me help you."

"I don't deserve you." I feel the tears slip. But they don't last long, as they get wiped away. "You deserve everything my love." He kisses me tenderly and I feel his fingers slip inside me. I moan as he works his fingers in and out of me.

"I need more Chris." When he pulls out his finger, I feel the head of his shaft teasing my entrance. A sharp pain ripples through me and then I feel it.

My water just broke

"What the fuck is that? Chris stumbles away from me, and ends up falling off the bed. I would laugh but the pain rips through me again.

"Jack ass my water broke."

"Shit! Okay let's get you to the hospital." He gets up, helps me up and grabs my overnight bag. "Let's go baby."

He practically tries to drag me out of the room.

"Um Chris."

"No time Spitfire, we need to go."

"Seriously Chris." But he keeps dragging me to front door. "Jack ass!" He stops and gives me a look. "You might want to put some pants on." He looks down and I laugh but it turns into a cry of pain.

"Shit!" He runs up the stairs as I lean against the wall. "I'm sorry baby." He says as he struggles to get his pants on. "Chris!" I yell and he stops dead in his tracks. I swear his face goes pale.


"Breathe and put your pants on before you fall down the damn steps." I cry out when a contraction hits. I hear him rush down the stairs, picks up the bag and rushes out of the house.

What the hell is he doing?

"Chris!!!" He comes back and picks me up and carries me out of the house. "Put me down before you break your back."

"Not happening Spitfire."

"So, you're just going to drive to the hospital without a shirt on."

He looks down at his bare chest as he takes off to the hospital.

"They've seen worse. Call Lucas."

"I'm not calling ahhh!"

"Why you disturbing me Chris?"

Oh he wasn't talking to me.

"Well if you're not fucking your husband, get to the hospital. Oh and bring me a shirt."

"Why the fuck do I need to bring you a shirt."

"Oh for the love of God Lucas! Just bring him a damn shirt." I cry out as Chris grabs my hand and I squeeze tight.

"Shit! Alright! Jaxon, get up the baby's coming."

The line goes dead as we get closer to the hospital. I try to remember the breathing techniques, but they are not working.

"Almost there baby." He kisses my hand, as the pain worsens.

"Oh fuck! What did I do to deserve this pain?"

We are at the hospital by the time I feel like I am going to pass out. As they rush me in I see people stare at my husband.

"What? Haven't you seen a gorgeous man's bare chest before? Back off he's mine!"

I swear I sounded possessed right then and there. I was expecting my head to turn in circles. They wheel me to a room and tell me to change. I start stripping right then and there. I really don't give a damn.

"Slow down love."

"I love you Chris, but I swear to all that's holy I will castrate you. You did this to me!" I say as I double over in pain. I swear I'm going to shit myself.

"Oh God I want to push."

"Nurse!" Chris yells as he guides me to the bed. Tears fall from my eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, I would never castrate you. I love your dick too much."

Chris chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I know. I love you Spitfire."

"I love you too jack ass ahhh!"

"I'm sorry we can't give you anything for the pain."

My head snaps to the nurse. "What?" Chris and I say at the same time.

"You're fully dilated, the baby is coming now."

Chris has a smug smirk on his face.

"I guess I have the magic fingers." He wiggles them as I swat his hand away.

"Shut up!"

"Yes dear"

I want to laugh but I cry out instead, as I feel the urge to push.

"It's time push dear." The doctor says, as I begin to push and Chris rubs my back.

"Okay relax."

"Easy for you to say." I feel Chris move as he repositions himself behind me.

"You're doing great, push again." I cry out as Chris holds onto me and I push.

"We came as fast as we could...holy shit!"

"Sirs you can't be in here."

"Lucas stop staring at my wife's pussy." Chris growls. Lucas head snaps up and his face is bright red.

"There's a head coming out."

"Well no shit dumbass. I am giving birth right now."

"We should go Lucas." Jaxon tries to pull him away as I scream again. I have never seen those two move so fast, scrambling for the door.

"One more and baby will be here."

"You're doing great Spitfire." I feel him kiss my neck as I give one final push. When I hear our baby cry, tears of joy fall down my cheeks.

"You did it baby."

"No we did it Chris."

He kisses my lips as my baby gets passed to us.

"Are you still going to castrate me?"

"Nope! You get to keep your dick. Who knows maybe we will have another bundle of joy." The smile he shows me reaches to his eyes and I can't help but mirror it.

"You're serious."

"Yes. Just not anytime soon."

"Whatever you want Spitfire, as long as I get to keep my dick."

I look at how serious he looks, and can't help but laugh. He joins in as we stare at our baby. Life is unpredictable but I am happy how it has turned out so far.

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